When I first felt the bean moving it kinda freaked me out. Most of the books describe it as a butterfly in your stomach which makes it sound pleasant. I thought he felt more like a fish swimming in my inside goo. Like the metaphor they always give you about the beginning of time and amoebas multiplying in a swamp. Ironically, the first time I felt him move was Sept. 4th also the night I said goodbye to Terry. There were many times before that when I thought I felt him move but usually it turned out to be gas. But more on that later.
Since then the little bean has been getting bigger and much more active. There are days when this guy launches full assaults on my liver, lungs, stomach, or anything else that is in his reach. The other day he was underneath my rib cage. I kid you not. I couldn't get comfortable all day. I felt like I had to keep my chest puffed out to give him room. When he finally moved it was a sweet sigh of relief. There are days when he feels like kicking up his heels (and elbows and knees) and other days when he is just chillin'. However, there are times when I distinctly feel like he is reacting to outside stimulus and having a good ole dance party in the womb.
Case #1: Mary Poppins. I went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway with Hayley. An overall enjoyable experience, I left with a hop to my step and a smile on my face. Unfortunately, I missed most of the first act because I could not concentrate for the life of me. Every single kick-turn that happened onstage was also happening inside me. Especially during 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', I am telling you this kid has a flair for the dramatics already.
Case #2: Across the Universe. Aunt Becca and I went to see the new Beatles movie musical Across the Universe. Anyone who has seen it knows that its not all music. But every time a song came on - BAM!! He's dancing, moving, turning somersaults in his little aquatic habitat. Terry claims that I can't hold good taste in music against him but honestly it is very hard to concentrate on anything when my belly feels like something out of Alien.
The other day I experienced him getting the hiccups for the first time. Yes, the hiccups. He is testing out his swallowing skills on amniotic fluid. It was the weirdest thing yet. The best way I can describe it was small, timely, muscle spasms, in a specific spot. So cool, but yet again I could not finish sentences until the hiccups were gone. All the books say that babies are the most active between 20-28 weeks because there is still enough room for them to move around. I guess I should appreciate my lack of concentration and enjoy the bean letting me know he's doing OK and loving life.
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