I haven't spoken to Bree in years. I think we all lose track of time when life is moving so quickly. I was taken back with how grown up she looked, professional, polished. I don't think I have ever looked so put together in my entire life. What struck me was how connected I felt to her but came to realize I have no idea who she has become. I was seeing the person I knew. A person I spent countless hours with all throughout childhood. But with years of maturity separating us, do I really know Bree now or is it the image of the person I used to know that I associate with?
I think I have changed a lot since high school. I am a mere reflection of the person I was then. However, I think the people that have known me since high school see me as the same person. Because they were present for the small life happenings that slowly changed my personality. They see all of the pieces that make up the whole and don't differentiate between the person I was in 2000 compared to who I am in 2007.
Recently, I have found more and more people are regarding me differently. I got pregnant so now I am a changed person. The thing is, I don't feel any different. Sure, physically I am changing. Emotionally, I might be gearing up for this new addition in my life. But I don't think my personality has change one iota. I would still love to go out, get all worked up over stupid boys, and stumble my way home. I just can't. But that doesn't mean I don't want to. I am positive that this tiny person coming into my life will change me. But he isn't here yet and I don't feel changed. I might be thinking very different things but I still feel like the same person I always was. With every new stage of my life, I adjust and move on. That is all I am doing. Adjusting to this new situation to the best of my ability and moving forward.
I think we have friends in life that you can just pick up with at any point in life and they accept who you were, who you are and who you will someday become. You know the essence and soul of a dear friend and time and distance and life experience do not change that even though looks, maturity and how we act and react may be different our innards are still the same. I have known you since before you were born and you have continued to grow and amaze those of us that have wittnessed your growth. But even if we were separated for years I would still know you and love you and accept you as who you are. I don't know if that helps any, but I find that this is a phenomenon that has to do with love......
Hey hun,
You should check out this blog if you have free time at work:
I've been getting into blogosphere lately trying to get more serious about my own and someone turned me onto her, she's a writer named Christine Coppa from NJ, worked for a magazine had the NY city life, and at 26 got pregnant and decided to be a single mom. So she now has a 3 month old and her blog is really fun and wonderful. I thought you might like it.
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