This is the bare belly series of bump watch. Try not to be too offended by the hugeness and the flipped out button. I really still can't believe my belly is that big!! I (or bean rather) look huge from that angle!! Bean is suppose to be putting on an ounce of weight a day so despite feeling like I couldn't possibly get any bigger, I am. The good news is that I am officially "full term" at the end of this week. Full term means that I can have this baby any day and he should be perfectly well developed and cooked. Basically, we have started the waiting game. It could be tomorrow or it could be another 4 weeks. Its all up to little Bean.

He was really trying to bust out in that first one, hence my ridiculous face. I never understood why pregnant ladies needed to rub their belly's so often. I totally understand now. I find myself rubbing him constantly. Sometimes I am trying to put him back in cause he is stretching out so much it feels like I am going to rip apart. Or he is just under my ribs and I am trying to get him to move. Or I walk around holding him up because he is heavy on my back. Or my belly looks like alien and is jumping from side to side and I am trying to hide what he's doing. I was in the meeting for work the other day and the person sitting next to me noticed my belly going crazy. It was kind of embarrassing but honestly what can I do?!
holy moly! Maybe I'd better increase my weight guess in the baby pool! That's quite the bump. But we know what a beautiful little person thats hiding in there. Can hardly believe he's coming so soon. Love to all of you. Auntie De
You're still a cool looking pregnant lady :)
Hey Kate! It is your cousin Jennifer..OMG you look SOO BEAUTIFUL! I have been looking at your blog over the past 3 months or so. I enjoy reading it very much. I am so glad to hear you are healthy & happy & doing well..and I am also happy to hear that the "bean" is also healthy...congrats that u are FINALLY full term! It is such a fun & blessed time in your life & you are lucky to have so many people around you & the bean to love & support you. Just wanted to stop by & leave u a note to tell u I am thinking about you! cant wait to hear the good news....xoxoxox
As someone that sees Kate all the time, let me explain something to those who don't- SHE'S HUGE!!! These pictures do not do the bump justice. If you haven't seen Kate in a while, arrange something soon cause you HAVE to see her before she pops!! She's waaaay to easy to make fun of, believe me.
beautiful,beautiful,beautiful,beautiful.......bump! Glad to hear the dr's appt. went well. The beans still packing on weight for his arrival! Eat your spinach! love, Auntie De
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