The Baby Suite is complete!!! Well, kinda of. I still haven't moved in completely but I am sleeping at home, in my new room, on my brand new mattress. Its like being on vacation. I am so in heaven. I thought I was going to freak out sleeping in close proximity to all of the baby paraphernalia, the crib was going to stare me down in my sleep. But, thankfully, I am relieved that things are moving along and I feel settled. I am confident that if Bean decides to make his appearance tomorrow that we will have a place to stay, beds to sleep in, diapers to change him, and warm wipes for his bum. It is a good feeling, finally coming home.

I was thinking and I have not had a place of my own since I moved out of my apartment in Astoria in 2005. When I was unpacking boxes, I found amazing things that I had long forgotten about. My life accessories that have been packed in the attic for two years. Lizzy was laughing because I was getting so excited about the littlest things. It has been a welcome change to unpack all these forgotten treasures and faded memories when lately I have been so surrounded by the shiny unknown of baby-ville.

Speaking of Lizzy, she has been so incredibly helpful. She was up in the attic for me, motivating me to get things unpacked. She is like my mini maid. She told me it is only going to last while I am preggo but I will take whatever I can get. Rebecca and Lizzy built the crib, dresser, and changing table. They were hysterical. The dresser came in one thousand pieces and I got to sit on my bed and watch. Sometimes it is nice being so pregnant. Lizzy built Bean's vibrating bouncer thing that one of our cats decided to curl up in. I almost killed her but can understand because I want to curl up in it. Lizzy got the most essential baby things out of the attic and helped me put them all away. We have bottles in the kitchen, diapers by the changing table, a car seat ready to be installed, and a crib laundered and baby ready. I feel like we got so much accomplished!!!
hi...it looks so beautiful! i think we have the same crib. although MINE is already all packed up in peices in the basement *sigh*....glad to hear everything is going smoothly. and to see evrything all put away nicely & folded beautifully before the baby comes & then there are diapers everywhere & dirty baby clothes & bibs & EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE! ;)
BUT as u already know i am sure..its all worth it! take care of yourself...
xoxox to u, bean & everyone there
Hi Kate, Saw your new gorgeous room! It is unbelievable and you and Bean deserve it!
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