I want my thoughts on labor to be realistic. I have a very detailed vision of how I would like Bean's delivery to be and I worry that I will be disappointed if it doesn't go as planned. I also understand that it can all change depending on how it is going. I don't want to have a cesarean but will if it is what is best for Bean. Obviously, this is my first baby and my expectations are formed from watching too much "Baby Story" on TLC, what I have read, and other women's stories.
I asked my Dr if I was being realistic in thinking that I would be able to do this natural. She said that it depends on my pain threshold and that everyone is different. I don't want drugs. I don't want an episiotomy. I want my goo and blood covered tot to be placed on my chest directly after he emerges. I want to be able to walk to the bathroom, by myself, ten minutes later. Terry thinks I am crazy. I know, considering modern medicine and available pain control options, that natural childbirth is increasingly becoming unnatural. But did you know that epidurals can lead to higher cesarean rates and the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor? Or that babies can sleep much more after birth? Yeah, neither did I. Since I found out I was pregnant I have never put anything harmful in my body, no Advil, no caffeine, no alcohol(I am very anal about it despite that my Dr says a little bit is OK). Why would I want to introduce drugs at birth? Besides, I have always believed that childbirth is natural. My body was built to make babies. There are women in 3rd world countries that still lay down in fields to give birth. Maybe the pain is what we make it to be. If I go in believing that I can do it naturally, maybe I will be able to. If I go in fearing the pain, maybe an epidural would be the way to go.
That being said, I have no idea what is going to happen or how I am going to handle all of this. I am not going to make any promises that after I give natural a try I won't jump at the painless epidural. Although, having a needle placed in my spine, while having contractions, seems far less appealing to me then pushing him out the old fashioned way. I don't know. I guess I will have to wait and see. In the meantime, I am working on my breathing, relaxation, and meditation techniques. Including a prenatal massage for me and a pressure point information session for Lizzy next Thursday courtesy of my Auntie De!!! I am so ready to be pampered!!
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