I am starting to get the urge to nest. This is quite common in the later months of pregnancy. I am sure my mother is thrilled that I might get up off my fat and lazy ass to do something. Maybe I will start cleaning the house and kicking some construction worker butt to get the baby suite done. Lets finish painting, have the carpet laid, and move the furniture in. I want everything to be put away all nice and neat. I want to spend ridiculous amounts of money on sheets, bath mats, candles and curtains.

However, my weirdest urge so far has been laundry. I really, really, really want to rip all the tags off of the clothes, blankets, sheets, and towels we got at the shower. I want to wash them. Do one hundred loads of laundry. I HATE laundry with a passion, always have. But now I find myself fascinating over it, ohh how the mighty have fallen. I want to fold all the cuteness and put it all away in drawers and on hangers in the closet. I want to line up the shoes, unpackage hats, sew strings connecting mittens, and roll his biker baby socks. Speaking of mittens I got the cutest ones the other day at Target. They have airplanes on them and they rattle. Surely they need a sting attached so we don't lose them. I simply cannot hold in my joy and anticipation of laundry!!!
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