So, here's the update. Once again everything is looking fabulous. My blood pressure is fine, bean's heartbeat is nice and steady, still dilated, and still pregnant. Dr. Diaz says that I have been taking such good care of Mr. Bean that he doesn't want to come out. Evidently, the Drs go by my original due date which was Feb. 4th. The 10th was a date they gave me after having a sonogram and seeing the baby's growth progress. Which I guess is more of an estimation of when bean will be born. Long story short, I'm overdue and she wants to induce early next week.
I have very mixed feelings about being induced. I definitely want him out. Obviously, I trust my doctor to make the best choices for our health. If she says that I have to get induced for the health of the baby, of course. No questions asked. However, I have been so adamant about no unnecessary drugs, vitamins, drinks, toxins whatsoever for my entire pregnancy. I don't like the thought of introducing drugs into my system that will make my body go into labor. It is suppose to be natural. If I was two weeks past my due date I could understand the health concern but only a week, I am not so convinced. I also read an article about pitocin (the labor drug) being linked to autism. I don't know how true that is because I believe they are trying to link anything to autism simply to have an answer to autism's scary questions. But why take chances?
I think what I need now are old wives tales. I want to try out every labor inducing story I can get my hands on. You think its pineapple, Chinese food, Buckram burgers, spicy red peppers, whatever; I will eat it all day long. Walks around the block, long car rides down bumpy roads, lunges, pressure points, sex (well, that one might pose some problems). I kid you not I will try anything. I called an acupuncturist this morning. I am determined to have this guy as naturally as possible. So, what are your labor inducing stories?
Katie! I called a friend who just had a baby and she recommended curb-walking, which [maybe you already know this] is walking along a street with one foot up on the curb & the other on the street. She said "It's kind of a pain in the ass but it loosens your pelvis." The day she finally went into labor [she was two weeks overdue!] she was in the middle of curb-walking.
Good luck, I can't wait to meet **JACKSON**!
Try castor oil... take anywhere between 1 tbsp. to 4 oz, starting out with the least possible. It doesn't always work for some, but if you are dilated and have been having contractions, it might do the trick. Be prepared for it to taste really terrible though and to have to go to the bathroom frequently and possibly with some diarrhea. Good luck!
Lady, it's not the sex, its the orgasm, so give yourself lots of them.
Even if it doesn't work, you'll enjoy yourself ;)
like u said "pressure points"....i was told by my lamaze teacher that she didnt suggest getting manicures & pedicures so close to the due date because it could bring on your labor. DAMN it! i guess u will have a treat yourself!!! ;)
but on the other end of it..i was induced. wasnt the way i thought i would go either. i had also wanted to try to go natural with no drugs & because i was having contractions from the pitocin & cervadil the night the time the morning came & the dr checked me i was so uncomfortable & totally exhausted since i had no sleep that night, i decided to get an epidural. but once i got it it was wonderful...and things went pretty smoothly from there.
u just have to stick to your guns & do what u feel is right for u & the bean. unless the dr's think u or the bean are at risk.
so go out there & walk the curb, get a mani/pedi, eat some chinese for lunch & then when u come home..have some sex!
Congratulations Mommy! You're a natural. We're thrilled over the moon. Can't wait to see you both. Love and Hugs and more Hugs. Greatest Auntie De!
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