Having him with me hit me like a ton of bricks. Everyone always told me of the undying affection and instant bond but I guess I didn't believe them. I thought that, like all my relationships, we would need time to bond and grow. Time to get to know one another. I thought it would take a while. Yes, I am still learning his quirks and his patterns. But I already feel this instant connection. I hate to be so sappy but I yearn for him when he is not with me. I want to be with him all the time. I want to hold him and just stare. He doesn't even do anything yet and I am enraptured. When I was in the hospital they would take him away at night in his plastic box and I would feel lonely. That after 9 months of holding him in my belly, I feel incomplete without him.
I really hate to be so sentimental (I blame the hormones). I never liked kids. When someone would throw a baby in my arms, I would flinch and become so very awkward. I avoided kids under five where ever I went. I never thought that I would become such a natural at holding a baby in my arms. That I could walk around all day with him in my arms. Even at three in the morning when I am exhausted and he is crying, I love every minute. I am so immeasurably happy.
Dear Kate, He is so beautiful and you are such a natural amazing mother.... you make quite a team! Love and blessings by the bundle! love, Great Auntie De (one of your many, many fans)
P.S.I need a copy of that picture it's truly priceless! Auntie De
It truly is life-altering, the love they bring you. I went to the movies tonight and left the twins with Nicole and I missed them the whole time! Even after 8 months on this earth, I still need to be in their orbit at all times!
Congrats on the beautiful baby!! He is stunning! And you look great too! We're dropping a gift off at the shop next saturday! ;---Jennifer (and Nicole and the twins!)
I didn't even finish reading this... but I must say... I'm not sure what furniture you built but when I look around the baby suite I can recognize what furniture you did NOT build :)
And I love you regardless... You were very good at completely ignoring us as we did the building. :)
Love you,
Dear Katie, I know it must be like a tiny tiny atom compared to your own excitement and happiness, but I am just beside myself with joy for you! I've been reading your blog ever since you told me about it and find it, and you, and your whole family so inspiring. Wyatt is beautiful and I can't wait to meet him! Love, Pelagia
Clearly, you've given birth to a Gerber model.
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