I have been home on maternity leave for a little over six weeks now. The time is really flying by. For the first month, I was home bound unless I had a willing participant to take me out because I was not allowed to drive. Terry took me out to eat a few times when he was home. It was my first time out of the house in a while and I was doubtful of my social skills but it was very lovely. I felt like a human again and our outing actually gave me motivation to try on my jeans. Much to peoples dismay and my great pleasure they fit. It felt so amazing to be in jeans with a zipper again after four months of elastic waistbands.

I have been walking a lot lately. I bundle Monkey Boy up to get some vitamin D and walk around the block, or to the store with Rebecca, or to the deli with Mom. Becca, Lizzy, and I took him out for his first walk to the library to visit Terry's Mom. We got about half way there and it started snowing. It was 40 degrees out. I was so confused and felt like a terrible mother for bringing my newborn out in the snow. We hid out in the library until it stopped, Grams definitely didn't mind. Lizzy and two of her friends took him the other day all by themselves. I would have been nervous but I know that Wyatt passes out as soon as you start walking.
I am not as mobile as my former self, nor will I ever be, but it has been amazing getting out of the house. I love taking Wyatt in public and having people ogle him and tell me how beautifully handsome he is. I will never get tired of hearing how perfect he is. Overnight, my car has gone from sporty SUV to mom mobile complete with car seat, jungle themed window shades, and a car organizer for diapers and sippy cups. It still amazes me how long it takes me to get out of the house.

It takes me about 30 minutes to get ready then I have to get him ready and feed him which is about another hour. Inevitably, he will spit up all over both of us and the process starts all over again.
I went couch shopping the other day. I was almost to the store when he started freaking out crying in the car. I pulled over, almost getting into an accident, jumped frazzled into the backseat to see what was wrong. I got him out of his car seat and he puked all over my shirt. I went to Macy's anyway, smelling like curdled breast milk. Let me tell you, it is hard to haggle prices when you have baby spit up on your shirt. I barely took myself seriously. But with a baby as cute as Wyatt of course I got my discount. I am definitely not afraid to use him as a bargaining chip.
1 comment:
He's is absolutely adorable! Glad that you're getting out more. Remember I'm available wed. & fri. Don't want to be too pushy, but I love spending time with him! Love the new pictures hope they're on snapfish! Love, Auntie De
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