I feel that there is a lot of pressure for new moms to breast feed but not enough resources to facilitate doing so. When I was at the hospital a nurse watched him latch on once, said we were doing fine, and offered no further advice. My Mom and copious reading offered the most help to me. Although all the reading material in the world can't describe what the correct latch feels like. I did attend a few classes while I was pregnant but I forgot almost everything that I learned. I didn't think it would be very difficult but ultimately questions do come up. Is he getting enough? Is is suppose to feel like this? What is let down? Is he latched on correctly? Am I producing too much or too little? What am I eating that is making him fart so much?
I am ecstatic that I only had a few set backs. I am enjoying breast feeding. I really wanted to breast feed because of all the amazingly positive research. 400 additional nutrients, kids proven to have higher IQ's, the bonding, reduced rate of obesity, and the convenience. I mean seriously why wouldn't I. However, I know that sometimes it just doesn't work out, for whatever reasons. I would have felt like I failed him in some way. That maybe I didn't try hard enough. That I wasn't capable of providing the absolute best for him. I am so grateful that we both caught on, in fact, it is going so well he is beefing up like he is on steroids. He has gained 3 pounds and grew 3 inches since birth, with absolutely no formula supplementation. Can you believe that? I have a whole bunch of clothing to give away already.

My family always joked that instead of working for Habitat that I should go to Africa and breast feed babies. I am seriously thinking about it. I don't know how it happened but I am producing more milk then I thought was humanly possible. I am going to quit my job and sell milk on the black market. I could make a living off of it. Laugh all you want but seriously sometimes I have to wake Wyatt up because my nipples are about to shoot across the room I am so full. You think I am kidding but almost every time we nurse I shoot milk like a water fountain all over his face. Sometimes I get it on his forehead, sometimes his nose, the couch, the floor, nothing is safe. I have no control. If I pump, it takes about 10 minutes to get 4 oz. No wonder why he is gaining so much weight. I am telling you I have a career in breast milk. I have magic boobs providing for Wyatt and all of Africa!!
I think I just pee'd my pants from laughing so hard. People double click on the picture of wyatt to blow it up and you can see the quart of milk that kate has showered him in. You really might be the answer to world hunger- for babies anyway.
I still think the Got Breast Milk? idea is marvelous.Keep it in mind It might be a real money maker! Well.... love to both of you. He is just the cutest and sweetest! Auntie De
I can't even tell you the number of dirty jokes that went through my mind while reading this blog.
You know, you really CAN feed Africa!
That's great that you have a good supply. I had twins and pumped and fed constantly and still didn't have that much. Plus, we went away for a weekend and came back to find the freezer defrosted and all my frozen stores were spoiled! THAT was a tragic day!
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