Happy One Month Birthday Wyatt!!!
And Happy Birthday Terry!!
My little man is growing up so fast. I can't believe how much he has changed already. I hate to say this and I mean it the nicest way possible but he is really becoming a human instead of a little blob.

His facial expressions are amazing to watch. Most of my days consist of staring at him and his many faces (see: the bottom left, Wyatt in a pose we like to call 'The Whistler').

I am becoming a master at singing songs, making funny faces, and being generally ridiculous. He is going to smile at me, any day now. I am convinced. He smiles all the time but I don't think that he realizes what his is doing quite yet. Most of the time he just looks at me like I am crazy (see: picture on the top left). When he does smile his entire face lights up. Sometimes when he is sleeping he will let out a big belly laugh. It is the most incredible sound, deep, guttural, and simply angelic. I wait for it all day, everyday. I always wonder what he thinks is so funny. Probably that crazy lady with the 24 hour all you can eat buffet that makes weird faces.
That's our boy! I swear he smiled at me twice the other day. leave it to a crazy great aunt. Happy one month to Mama and Sweetest of babies. Love you beanie boy..... auntie de
Your blog is always good for a great laugh!!!! Wyatt is "the whistler Jr. Like father, like son. Daddy did the same thing. The only difference is that he held his hands under his chin and whistled. Great pictures!!!!
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