I am very concerned about Wyatt's emotional and physical development. I read obsessively about what milestones he should encounter each week. I understand that each child develops differently but if the book says he should be able to lift his head at a 45 degree angle, I want him to be able to. Hell, if the books says 45 degrees I want him at 65 degrees. The only thing that I don't put too much stock in is routine. My mothering style is on-demand. If he is hungry at 3, he gets fed at 3:05, regardless if the last time he ate was at 2:30. Light bulb: maybe that is why he is 12lbs. At this age, I don't think you can spoil a child. All they know are basic needs and if they are being met. I will damn well be there to meet them.

I came from a place where babies didn't exist which is why my research is so important to me. Before Wyatt, babies were not included in my conscience thought. I don't know when they are suppose to roll over, or when to introduce solid food, or what to dress them in when its cold. (Example: this picture was taken on 2/15, he's 6 days old. I thought he didn't need to wear pants because he didn't at the hospital. It was my first day dressing him by myself. Duh, Kate, its February and he's probably got cold legs. By the way, I adore the way his feet are touching. He does that in the bath sometimes. But I digress.) I rely on reading, doctors, and family to keep me informed of what I should be doing to help him along. So far, he's perfect and I need to keep reading. He's smiling, vocalizing, lifting his head, tracking objects, loving his hands, and following the sound of my voice. To name a few. He's a genius. I am positive of it.

I had no idea about tummy time. Evidently, to foster greater neck control, Monkey is suppose to spend some awake time on his stomach. My mom asked one day "So how's he doing with tummy time?" Ah, what?! So, now we have tummy time twice a day!! He is doing really well. We both lay on the floor and do mini-push ups together. Anyway, I got this activity mat at our shower (pictured, obviously not Wyatt) and decided it was time to introduce them. All the toys are detachable and make noise. I think its the coolest thing since sliced bread. Wyatt hung out in there for a hot 3 minutes before refocusing on me and puking on the mat. He might still be too young. I keep on trying to put him back in the jungle but he generally looks right past everything like if he ignores the giraffe it doesn't exist. Every once and a while he will kick or hit a toy and it will make noise but for the most part he is wholly uninterested. He would rather be looking at faces, totally because mine is so entertaining. I have decided to introduce him to the jungle slowly. We are working on one toy a day and hopefully when it gets assembled it won't be overwhelming. Today is the blue elephant sitting on the barrel rattle. Tomorrow the toucan with the colorful, crinkly beak. He is going to love this jungle just give him time.
1 comment:
well all I can say is.... he's perfect, he's happy and most certainly a genius.... as well as good looking! And the whole world, as we know it loves him. Check out center for parents and children in glen cove, I loved it when michael and em were babies and it's all about developmental stages and mommies and babies. I think they have a web site. check it out. I will be available on wed if you want to go out or stay in or just have a visitor! Love auntie de
P. S. I was so glad Wyatt could take part in our special weekend, he will always be a big part of our memories from that wonderful weekend!
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