Our Elizabeth (aka Besty Blowhole or Lexy Luv) got into a car accident on Saturday. She's fine, thank God, but we are all pretty shaken up over it. Lizzy and her friend Tony were delivering flowers for the shop for Mothers Day. They stopped at a stop sign, proceeded through the intersection, and got hit by a speeding car that swerved into their lane. From what witnesses report, the car did a few 360's, flipped, and landed with Lizzy on the pavement. Tony's car was totaled and almost every piece of glass broke. He just bought it about two months ago. Both of them walked away bruised and shaken.
My first reaction is to make fun of the situation. Classic Kate. I crack jokes trying to brighten the mood. My whole family has been ripping on Lizzy saying the her and Tony are bonded for life and need to get married. I have been singing "car crash lovers, that's what they are". Tony has been raised to hero status in our house. He was the one who opened the sun roof, helped pull Lizzy to safety, and is still coming over to check up on her. He even, get this, smelled Lizzy to see if she wet her pants. (It was ice coffee and water that spilled in the car. Lizzy had a vase on her lap). Come on now people, that's love.
Unfortunately, my crass humor does little to lighten the severity of the situation. I can't stop thinking about her or the accident. The ER doctor was astounded they weren't hurt. This was a causality accident. I am finding myself viewing Lizzy in a new light. Lizzys' obnoxious, gruff, 16 year old ways are suddenly endearing. Since I moved home, our relationship has been given an opportunity to blossom. I moved out when Lizzy was 8 and we all know how wonderful I am with children. I feel like I have been given a second chance to get to know her even better. I can't even imagine how Elizabeth feels but I am sure it is all consuming and eye opening. Every teenager feels that they are infallible, indestructible, I know I thought so, facing your mortality must be sobering.

I am paranoid about driving now. I drive the speed limit and view every other car as an explosive device. Driving with Wyatt, I am even worse. I have checked his car seat about 12 times. I was paranoid to begin with and this accident has confounded my worry. I would feel so responsible if he got even a scratch while I was driving. The thought that I failed to keep him safe is terrifying to me. I am not even going to go into what ifs. My mom, viewing the accident, police cars, and firetrucks for the first time, said "it was like 9-11". Yes, its over dramatic and not even remotely close to that kind of tragedy. But when it is your child, I can understand how it could feel that monumental. I can understand how you would rather it be you. I can understand how it must feel like the end of the world.
1 comment:
Its taken me awhile to comment on this post because just seeing the car all flipped over still sends chills down my spine. Everyday since I count my blessings that Lizzy and Tony made it out of that car in one piece. We are blessed truly, truly blessed! As far as the speeding car that hit them, well lets just say if I were him I wouldnt want to run into me. EVER....!!
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