Are you ready for the 3 month check up weigh in?!?! Our man has remained in the 90th percentile at:
16 pounds and 1 ounce
25 and a half inches
He's a macho, macho man!! When we walked in the nurse said "You're here for 6 months right?" Not so much. We are debating about his weight. He drank a 5 ounce bottle right before he got weighed. Mom said that we should subtract that from his total weight. I argued that I just ate 12 pounds of cookies. Can I minus that from my total weight? I think not.

The first picture is Wyatt looking very upset about his shot. Only one this time. Something about Pnenococcal Conjugate. I will only allow one at a time. He did have a little local reaction, small red bumps. I think this means that he is prone to side-effects and might hold off on vaccines until he is older. I am going to do all the research I can before next appointment. The second is him being fascinated with his Tasmanian Devil bandaide. I don't usually have him laying around half naked. I was trying to get him dressed for the day. In case you were wondering.
1 comment:
Sixteen pounds of Love! Beautiful,Beautiful , Beautiful little Bean!Love, auntie De
Someone find that girl a job that let's her spend more time with Wyatt, come on, if we all network.... we'll think of something brilliant I'm sure!
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