I had a long 5 days home with Wy for the weekend and returning to work was torturous. I am dragging my feet and can hardly string sentences together. Emily saw me driving to work and said I had the nastiest look on my face. I have been working for about a month now and it is not getting any easier. Does anyone know a job out there that will pay me big bucks to stay home and watch my son? Yeah, I thought not.

We had a really rough one last night. He will make progress for a few nights in a row and then revert back to newborn every two hour feedings. In the beginning, after long nights my mom would find Wyatt sleeping in bed with me. I have tried to steer away from that because I don't want him to get in the habit. But sometimes, to keep myself sane, he has to bunk in so I can roll over to put his binky back in. It is indicative of the night we had, where he is sleeping in the morning. I put him to sleep in his crib last night around 9 and by 1:30 he was in my bed that is how many times he woke up. Normally, he won't make it to mommy's big bed until about 4am. I ask the Dr about it and she said it might be behavioral, which would explain last nights dramatics. I have been home for 5 days and he has been a perfect sleeper, four hour stretches of heaven. I leave him on Wednesday and that night he is up every 15 minutes. Then, he gets to sleep next to mommy. The kid has got me whipped.

In more terrifying news, my mom rumbled with poison ivy over the weekend. The poison ivy won. She has got spots all over her hands, neck and face. Of course, she was all over Wyatt all weekend. Thankfully, he has yet to show any symptoms. Every time I change his diaper he gets stripped down so I can inspect him. How awful would that be to itch all over and not have the coordination to scratch it? Or to spread it all over your body because you don't know the difference? That is cruel punishment for a baby. He has been clean for two days now so we might be in the clear. Cross my fingers.
Yesterday, Mom, Becca and I took Wy for a walk. We decided to stop at the swings figuring it was never to early. He loved it!! I sat down with him on my lap and held him in tight making sure he wasn't going to fall and started pumping. Very slowly at first and then gaining momentum. He didn't know what to make of it and then was laughing. He hates wind in his face so swinging forward it would sound like he was about to cry and then burst out laughing. I never get tired of watching him experience new things.
1 comment:
hi Kate! love the new pics on snapfish..... already ordered me some. Just know that these non stop nights don't last. Babyhood flies by, so you have to relish the joy of exhaustion! Having a baby in bed is not such a no-no in my book, as long as it's not every night. it's all good my dear Kate, you and Wyatt are doing more than fine! love to you both. Auntie DE....aka aunt Goo!
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