My thought process was I want Beaner to start off organic. There are so many harmful chemicals, additives, hormones in our food that while he is young I feel it is safer and much healthier to steer clear of processed food. Once his immune system is up and running I will ease up a little. Gerber does make a bunch of organic baby food but despite what the package says there has to be something more in there. How on earth can mashed up apples stay on the shelf for up to a year without being refrigerated? Riddle me that, Batman. In addition, they only make the essentials in organic, ie bananas, pears, apples, peas, carrots. There is a whole lot more out there. What about mango, plums, edamame, and avocado? Have they fallen off the food chart? I want him to be able to eat anything I put in front of him, best start him off early.

I am sure I should invest in a food processor. It might be better then a blender but I am far from a domestic diva and don't really understand the difference. The functioning is the same, right?! They liquefy food or drinks. What exactly is the difference? Call me ignorant but I don't understand tons of electric kitchen equipment. The Dr said we should start with easy fruit, no citrus, no berries. Then on to orange vegetables, then green. By the way, the definition of fruit is anything with seeds, right? Going on that, are cucumbers and tomatoes fruit or vegetable? I thought they were vegetables. Anyway, any ideas for my next batch of baby food?
Oh and a PS - Happy Birthday Madre!!
1 comment:
I firmly believe a food processor is not necessary. (Yes, I have convictions about appliances!) They do the same thing as a blender! I used a blender. I was so tempted to get a food processor (have you seen the special baby one at WIlliams Sonoma??!! A thing of materialistic yet unnecessary beauty!) but I stuck with the blender and it works just fine!
I don't know if I said this already but I made soups and blended them and they were a hit. basic soups, like start with chicken broth or veggie broth, throw in chicken and carrots and celery and cook and then blend. You can add noodles too. The girls loved it.
I have yet to give the girls jarred food. Well, except for prunes. That and some of the fruit ones. I too am freaked by the things on the shelves, even if it is "organic".
I would also mix peas and carrots. The color is disgusting, but it was a hit.
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