Terry and I met in high school, 10th grade English class with Mrs. Tippy. Being a new student, Terry immediate gained the celebrity status typical of a 120 person graduating class. I remember him making some charismatic speech and thinking he would be perfect for the upcoming play I was involved in. He reminded me of another Terry, a few years older then me, that I adored. Oh, and he was cute, in that rugged, fun loving, bad boy, quiet way. With my motivations in place, I courageously struck up a conversation and Terry and I became quick friends. For those wondering he did join the theatre group and I've got black mail pictures to prove it. Terry is on the far right in that picture in a kilt and a hat with a pom-pom!!! I am on the far left in character shoes. Oh, to be in high school...

Rebecca had an appointment at the high school recently and was demanded to bring Wyatt. She said that he was paraded around the school, smiling, laughing, and generally charming the pants off of all the faculty. Most of the conversations went "Do you remember Kate and Terry? Well, this is their son. Isn't he gorgeous!?!" The ohh's and ahh's followed. They even interrupted a class at one point. Thankfully, the Wyatt parade didn't run into Lizzy as I am sure she would have been mortified. Teachers, hall monitors, lunch ladies, guidance counselors all stopped to marvel at their former students creation.

The reason I bring this up is I believe Wyatt is starting to get used to all this attention. He is the Library mascot, his face plasters the walls at the Florist, my job wants to set up a playpen in the small conference room, family visits are more frequent, the list goes on and on. Every new move he makes there are about 12 people clapping, cheering, and urging him on. I am getting worried. He is going to get into preschool and expect the teachers to salute him when he walks in the door. Or throw a parade when he cuts a straight line with scissors. Or get the entire class clapping when he pees in the big potty. This madness must stop before his head gets any bigger than it already is.
On a side note, it was Lizzy's 17th birthday yesterday. I remember once on Terry's birthday his mom got him this singing gorilla to follow him around school. I believe she also got Kelly Ann a singing chicken. I was threatening Lizzy with that all day. I told her I was going to dress up in the cow costume we have and dress Wyatt in his bear suit and follow her around all day singing. The only reason I didn't was because she probably would never speak to me again. It would have been classic I'm telling you. Holla to the high school kids out there!
1 comment:
I personally think it's great that Wyatt has adoring friends and family..... You and Michael grew up with alot of applause and adulation being first children and I think that served you both well and gave you an I can do anything attitude. Everyone should have that attention! It can only give him self assurance and confidence. He is already such a contented happy child and I think that started even before birth, I think he could feel the love even then. God Bless you little BEAN.... YOU ARE SPECIAL INDEED. AUNT GOO!
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