
Your curiosity makes meal time especially difficult. You end up wearing most of your food with a decent amount on or around your high chair. It is not that you don't like eating pureed fruit but you would rather put your hands in it, or catch the spoon that is flying to your mouth, or play with your clothes. I started giving you peas, which I loathe, but you seem not to mind. You take after your pea eating father on that one. He is the type of person that goes into a diner and orders hot roast beef or chicken franchaise. Diners are for grilled cheese, milkshakes, and pancakes. Period.

This is the most perfect age. I am beginning to think that you love me as much as I love you. Last night, I came home from being away for about 12 hours of work. I walked through the door and your face lit up. We couldn't take out eyes off one another for a good two hours. I sat in our glider, rocking you to sleep, singing Billy Joel's "Lullaby" and I could see the corners of your mouths lifted in a smile behind your binky. You melt my heart. Then this morning Gammy called and said that I left a shirt on my bed. You were playing and somehow got my dirty shirt in your hands. You pulled it to your face, laid your head down on my pillow, closed your eyes, and took a nap. I am never far away my little Bean, promise.
I love you everyday.
1 comment:
ahhh, so sweet, yes he loves you as much as you love him. Love to you both. Auntie De
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