I am having a bullet list type of day. You know the days when your mind is jumping from one topic to another like a pogo stick. I can't seem to get anything done but yet trying to get twelve hundred things checked off my to-do-list at the same time. I have had several days like this recently. What gives? Here are some of my random thoughts:

Did you hear about that crazy waterspout that happened in Oyster Bay Harbor? Well, Lizzy works right near there and took pictures of it from her phone. They are much better than the
Newsday ones in my opinion. Crazy stuff, global warming. If I had the money I would switch everything I own to organic. Save the environment in my own way. Right now I am working on purging my household of conventional cleaners. I am terrified of tornadoes. Maybe I watched my witch-less Wizard of Oz too much as a kid. My mom edited our movie so that there was no Wicked Witch. She thought it was too scary. When I finally watched the full version all I could think was "Wow! This movie does have a plot!!" If I saw that waterspout I probably would have shit my pants. Literally. Lizzy said that everyone was running out to watch it. Hello, stupid, you should be running in the other direction! At least no one was hurt and Lizzy walked away with some awesome pictures.

On the last two conversations with Terry he said he is having chest pains. What does that mean exactly? I told him he needs to go to the doctor but he insists that he wants to get in his flying hours. If he goes to the doctor they will pull him off his flights. Men should affix themselves with labels stating "Made with Testosterone, Will be Idiotic." Seriously, it is getting me worried.
I am so excited that it is Friday. Since the end of June, I have taken at least one day off a week from work. This was the first full week I have worked (minus a few hours off on Thursday) and it is taking its toll. I am anticipating quiting in September so I am trying to use all of my vacation days. I asked if I could work part-time or from home but they said no. So, my compromise was to use my leave one day a week until I quit. My silent "Stick it to the Man!"
I have Kari's bachelorette party this weekend. I haven't been out in the city in a long time and it might be the making of a pump and dump night. Although, I read that alcohol leaves your breast milk just as it leaves your blood stream. Interesting concept but I am not sure I believe it. The Internet is an amazing search tool but not always factual. I won't get drunk that's for sure but maybe two drinks over five hours are in my future. Watch out, I'm living on the edge people! The Olympics start tonight too. I am so excited for that. Yes, I'm a dork. The blue Swim Cube Stadium and the Bird's Nest are some of the most amazing pieces of architecture I have ever seen. I am thinking my sweet baby Wyatt, the Olympics, and Chinese food tonight.
1 comment:
Awesome pictures Liz, have a good time tonight Kate! Love, auntie De
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