Saturday marked Kari's bachlorette party. I am delighted to say that it was a real blast. I can't remember the last time that I felt so recklessly abandoned. I got to get dressed up in heels, drink out of penis straws in a limo, and watch lap dances. Granted, we were at Lucy Cheungs and the dancers were transvestites but fun is fun. Why do guys get to do crazy things at bachelor parties but girls watch men dressed like girls dance and sing or have spa days? Guys go crazy and women still feel the need to check in.
At one point I was getting ready to take a shot and my mind jumped back to Wyatt. I immediately reverted to mom mode: responsible, cautious, and reserved. Rebecca reminded me that it is OK to have fun. That no one can be supermom all the time. Rebecca is wise beyond her years. I do have trouble balancing my college year self and my more recent mom self. I love being a mom but sometimes I want to go out and leave all responsibility at home. I try but when I do go out I have constant mom thought swirling in the back of my head. I probably would need a lobotomy for me to entire stop thinking about Wyatt. Sometimes I feel like I am suffocating my more reckless self. She is being held underwater barely hanging on. Soon, I am afraid, I will loose her forever. I guess it is called growing up.

Since I moved back home, Bri, Kari, and I have reinstated our friendship. It was extremely comforting when we got together for the first time in about 6 years and we all felt like no time had passed. I feel like they understand me in a subconscious way. They know how I am going to react in any situation before I seem to. I am thrilled that we have found each other again especially when our lives are changing so dramatically. Kari is getting married on Sept. 1st, Bri in Oct 2009, and I have a 6 month old son. We have so much to learn from one another. I consider them true friends, those that you can grow up, grow apart, come home, and always feel like you belong.
1 comment:
I think you will totally find the balance soon. He is still so young and it is so new and you are getting used to wearing the "mom" hat. After you get adjusted and he starts to become more independent you will start to let yourself be a little wilder. And I have tequila here for when that happens.
I was actually thinking today about one of our many drunk/idiot moments at Yogi's when you were thinking about going home with someone (that I did not approve of) and I screamed at you "Kate, if you're my friend, you'll get in the cab!!" You totally got in the cab, lol.
It's funny I don't have no babies yet but that person seems SO different than who I am now and that time seems like a million years ago. Growing up is weird.
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