One thing that I never fully conceptualized about having kids is all of the stuff you need. I am very wary of what websites say are 'Must Have' items because at the end of the day baby making is an industry. Look at Bugaboo strollers for upwards of $800. Seriously, for that amount of money it should feed, diaper, and get him to sleep at night. It might be trendy but I don't need a stroller that costs more then my mattress.

One of my first posts was about a wipe warmer. I thought this was a totally frivolous purchase, totally unnecessary. However, now that I have one it is perhaps the best invention known to babydom. Changing his diaper in the middle of the night is hard enough without waking him up fully with a cold wipe. When I am out and about and need a wipe I find myself rubbing the wipe in my hands to warm it up before I use it. They need to invent a portable, on the go, wipe warmer. That would be genius.
Walking out the door is another limb consuming endeavor. I got this real practical diaper bag from Eddie Bauer, slightly manly so Terry doesn't feel like an idiot. It is usually chock full of stuff. A bottle, just in case, an extra change of clothes, maybe two, 7 toys, about 4 burp cloths, at least 2 bibs, a blanket, a hat, 5 diapers, wipes, butt paste, and a partridge in a pear tree. There is nothing sleek or slimming about a 20 pound diaper bag. But all of these things I consider essential. If we are staying for longer then a few hours add on another two bags of stuff.

I believe there is a common misconception that the more money I spend the more I love my child or the better mom I am. It is really hard not to get caught up in the madness of spending. It is hard to differentiate between something I need and something a magazine tells me I should need. I am a perfectionist, always have been. I understand that I will never be the perfect parent but I am going to try my hardest to get as close as possible. I am meticulous in the care that I provide to Wyatt. I know that publications are going to try and sell me things. They are going to target my insecurities as a parent and manipulate me into spending money I don't have. They know I will spend the money because I want to feel like a good mom; a mom that will pay top dollar for the best for my son. However, I maintain that it is my love and affection not money that makes me a good mom. It is my attention to detail and sheer devotion for Wyatt. You can't buy that.
Amen to that.
What you and Wyatt have cannot be purchased with money! love, Auntie De
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