To my Bug,

I am counting the days down until I am with you all the time. My last day of work is on Friday and then we are going to paint the town red and hit up every park in town. I have a feeling thought that I am going to miss my ride home to you. On my ride home from work, I get so excited to see you. I have to remind myself to not speed and then try not to run to grab you into my arms. I love bounding into the house to see your face break into a smile 4 miles wide. You throw your arms out so that I can pick you up then you stuff your little face into my shoulder and grab a hand full of my hair. I might need to leave you every once and a while just so I can come home to you.
You have grown lots with your babbling repertoire. You have got "Da-da" down but will only say it when you want to. You will happily recite it all day resembling the way others say umm or like. You say Mum but only when you are upset or are about to start crying. You look all around at the mention of kitty cats and will stare at the sky if someone says birdie. You love cell phones, investigating them for about a minute before going directly into your mouth at which point I take it away. You slimed Lizzy's until it broke. She was not happy about that. You also are attracted to shiny things especially Aunt B's Tiffany's bracelet or my bean necklace. You are very inquisitive at anything that comes your way or crosses your path.

Recently, you have started objecting when people leave the room. You travel with a posse, never less than 4 people. The whole family is with you then there is only me and you don't like it. Not one bit. You want everyone to see your cuteness at every moment. When they leave they might miss a second or two of something adorable and you will not stand for it. You immediately start crying. It is a very interested new development and a great indication to me that we will NEVER be able to move out. You and I will always need our posse or else we will get bored or worse yet there will be no one to enjoy our overwhelming cuteness. Another fun game you have begun to play is one we call "Baby Snatchers". Aunt B started putting her hands up like claws, growling, and chasing you around the house. She will pop out from behind a chair or around a corner. "Fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell a stinky Wyatt Bug." You start squealing in delight immediately. She will scare you so much that you jump and then you start laughing. Sometimes you can't hold your weight, your knees buckling, from laughing so hard. It is truly hysterical to watch.
Sometimes I wonder what you are going to think when you finally get your hands on this blog. I wish that I had documentation like this from my childhood but maybe you will be more private person then I am. Will you enjoy reading about your beginning? Or be immensely embarrassed that I spoke so candidly about you? Will you have more questions for me than ever before? My hope is that you will learn more about me, as a person rather then your mother, and more about yourself. I hope that you will smile realizing how all encompassing my love is for you.
I love you everyday,
1 comment:
I'm sure Wyatt will treasure this blog. Just knowing how much he has always been loved and cherished is a priceless gift. He will always know how much he was wanted and how many people hung on his every move since before birth. Not many people have such a lovely account of their childhood and unending love and praise. Keep it up he will love it as much (or more) than we all do. Love you Kate! Auntie De
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