Inexplicably, I am drying up. I have been worried for a while that my supply has been less than supple. About a month ago, I started noticing that I was pumping skimy bottles or it took me much longer to get the coveted 6 ounces. I made a conscience effort to allow Wyatt nurse longer hoping that it would up supply but it seems to have not worked. Last night, I resorted to a bottle when Wyatt cried after nursing, my shortage fears confirmed.

I have two possible suspects in the mystery of the drought. First, I have been under a lot of stress lately mostly regarding Lizzy but also in conjunction with Wyatts Christening and work. It seems that when I am under stress I have a hard time letting down. Letting down, for those that don't know, feels like pins and needles in your nipple and is responsible for the release of milk. Usually, I will pump for a bit (or Wyatt will do his thing) for a minute then I will let down and about 4 ounces will shoot out like a faucet. Lately, my mind will be all over the place and I can't let down. No matter how much I think about my baby (which is what the books tell you to do). On stressful days I am lucky if I get 3 ounces. The other possible culprit is my eating habits. You need a ridiculous amount of calories and fluids to maintain milk production. I have never been a big meal eater and am a constant snacker. When I was pregnant and the first few months of breast feeding, I was hungry all the time. Since going back to work, my appetite has waned. It is hard for me to pack on the carbs like I once did. I have been loosing weight which I also attribute to stress. I try to drink lots of milkshakes but somedays I can't handle it.
I am on the fence about this whole situation. I am a perfectionist and wanted to breast feed for the recommended one year although knew I probably wouldn't make it. He is almost 7 months so I did a pretty good job. I find it easier to breast feed. Its convenient and inexpensive. I don't have to worry about packing bottles or heating water. I can grab Wyatt and go. Midnight feedings go quickly. I feel like I have become a walking ad for pro breast feeders. I love feeling close to my baby and love being able to provide something so special.

On the other hand, I have been growing tried of pumping at work. I would like to be able to wear a normal bra without nursing pads. There is nothing sexier than leakage pads sticking out of a bra. Seriously, that is my life. Nuts are a staple in my diet and I have had to swear off of them because when I eat them Wyatt pukes buckets. I would like to have more than one drink without feeling like I am feeding him contaminated milk. And DAMN that new tooth. He bit me so hard last night I was bleeding and bled today again while pumping. I saw stars it hurt so much and now I am terrified that he is going to do it again.
However, the thought of drying up has got me feeling surprisingly empty. I have gotten used to having boobs with a purpose. They will go back to plain, push 'em up, non-functioning boobs. I think I also feel a touch of guilt that I didn't make it as long as I wanted to. I know that I am a success story, 7 months is nothing to feel guilty over. I guess I wanted it to be my choice to stop not my body's. Thankfully, I have a freezer full of milk that should last for a little bit longer and as long as the bitting stops I will forge ahead and supplement as necessary.
1 comment:
You've done a wonderful job with your breast feeding and 7 months is way longer than most people last. I know how hard it is to give it up though. It always made me so sad, it was much harder on me than on my kids. Just try to hang on to that one or two feedings a day if you can. You have to wean yourself off too. It is such a wonderful bond! Don't feel bad though, if you are unable to keep enough weight on you it becomes very draining on you and you energy wanes. GIve yourself a ton of credit for a super job.... Just look at him.... need I say more? love, auntie de
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