If you haven't seen it our WalMart commercial is up and running since September 9th. The 30 seconds of fame has been seen on the Food Network, Comedy Central, and Fox. Unfortunately, little man got cut from it. He is not in it at all. I was so upset about that. I am in it for about 2 seconds. Seriously, if you blink you will miss me. It is a funny turn of events since I was there only because of Wyatt's audition.

Anyway, his commercial career trudges on. I was really excited about a Tiffany's print ad he had an audition for about a month ago. I really thought he was going to get it. The Tiffany's
people loved him and took about a million pictures but unfortunately we received no phone call. I guess what they say is true about going to 10 auditions and only booking one. After the Tiffany's audition we went for American Baby magazine, Bright Starts toys and cribs, Crayola, and a pharmaceutical company.
On Wednesday, we had a big adventure. It was the first time that I ventured into the city for an audition without help. The plan was to go to an audition on Wednesday afternoon, stay overnight, then have another audition in the morning. A good friend of Rebecca's let us stay at her apartment in Times Square. It was pretty amazing being that close to all the lights and it really was like a mini-vacation for Wy and I. He adored the city lights, was astonished by Toys R Us in Times Square, and loved touching everything in Kristal's apartment. I literally was following him around with Windex.
Then on Thursday, we received a phone call from Wy's agent with a booking for Late Night with Conan O'Brien. I was so excited I almost wet my pants. We went down to NBC Studios and filmed this little sketch about a baby workout routine. This poor guy had to do crunches while holding Wyatt. I am sure his abs were killing him the next day. Wyatt was hysterical. He charmed everyone that walked by the green room and attracted a lot of attention. When they didn't need him for a scene he would try to crawl back over to the camera. Everyone on set complimented him on being so well behaved and one of the writers promised to write more skits with babies so that they could have him back.
We were sitting in the green room. I was packing up our stuff to leave after the shoot and there were people everywhere getting ready to rehearse for that night's show. Wyatt was crawling around checking everything out, I looked over and in walks Sarah Silverman. She plops herself down on the floor and starts playing with Wy. He starts smiling and doing his flirty thing. She told him he was very handsome and made her day. I was taking it all in thinking how incredibly amazing this week has been. He has such a natural magnetism that attracts everyone in his path.
I talked to the Conan people yesterday and they said that the skit should air sometime next week. I will post something as soon as I know. They filmed a lot of footage of close ups of his face so he should be pretty easy to spot. I can't wait for his big TV Late Night debut!!
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