My parents have always been firm believers in assisting us realize our dreams. They are our permenant cheerleaders and can always be counted on to lend a helping hand. When I learned of my pregnancy, they dove in with me, understanding the diffult road ahead, and doing anything in their power to assist. My mom would listen to me for hours talking about the type of mom I thought I would be without once mentioning the reality of how having children changes your perceptions. She never lectured or criticized me for being naive. She was there as a support while still allowing me to have self discoveries. My dad could have kicked me out of the house, disowned me, but instead he offered me a place to stay. But I think they also maintain a balance to allow us to cultivate our own independence.
I have to admit I was very nervous moving back home. I came home after South Carolina to gather my thoughts but never intended on staying. Before I found out I was pregnant, I was offered a position at the Habitat in New Orleans that I was very exciting about accepting. Then plans shifted. I have always gotten along great with my parents but once I tasted independence and self reliance it was hard for me to come home, even for holidays. My apartment was exactly how I liked it. If I put a glass down it would stay there until I picked it up again. It doesn't happen like that at home, for good or bad. I am still independent in a lot of ways but at home I get lazy knowing that someone else will take care of the cleaning, cooking, or even picking up. I help out as much as I can but sometimes it just doesn't feel like I am pulling my weight.
However, I never quite fully understood how much help my parents would be. I can't imagine moving out. I would be lonely. Wyatt adores his Gammy and Grandpa, lighting up when they walk through the door. I think he would be bored with just me all the time. When mom gets home at 5 she takes him for a while to allow me to breathe for a minute or if she can't dad will. That breathe allows me to refuel, to tune out for a second, and gain perspective. I don't know what I would do if I didn't get that opportunity every day. Don't get me wrong, Wyatt is an amazing baby and very easy to entertain but he's time consuming.
Wyatt was doing very well with sleeping through the night. Finally!! I got a little more me time at the end of the day. He would go to sleep at 8 and me at 10 knowing that I would be sleeping till at least 7am. Lately, he has reverted back to his poor sleep habits. Waking for an hour then sleeping for an hour almost all night. He already has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth but maybe he is getting more. I'm not sure the cause but it is driving me up the wall. Last night I phoned a friend, aka mom, with one word "Help!" She sat, rocking him, for almost an hour because my patience meter was at a negative 87. Their help is completely vital to my survival as a single mom. Without them I think I would be a stressed, testy, and agitated mom. They allow me to be a better mom. Seriously, I am never moving out.
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