On Saturday, I was fortunate enough to have Rebecca watch him. I spent most of the day in bed as far away as possible to try to prevent breathing on him. However, by the end of the day I felt guilty for not helping and then I missed him so much I just wanted to be around him. And in all actuality there is only so long I try to stay away from him before we needed to have some interaction. On Sunday, Wyatt and I took a nap for about 4 hours. That was my first indication that he was going to be sick.
Sure enough by Sunday night he was in the same shape I was. Let me tell you, he is a much better patient then I was. Kid is amazing. He would be puking one second and smiling the next. This first time it happened (exorcist style all over my bed) he just looked up at me saying "What the F*** just happened?!" And then didn't cry at all. We cuddled all day on the couch, lazing around. Only taking breaks to check out the fat squirrels or to drift off to snooze-land. On Wednesday, he seemed to be doing better but started on a bottle hunger strike. He was eating solids but refused to drink bottles and will only take an ounce or two of water or juice in a sippy cup. As of today, he is still on this bottle strike but seems to be happy despite a slight fever.
I guess we are surviving his first sickness. He is 9 months. It is amazing this is his first sickness but I am still very nervous. I don't know if I should feed him and then I'm paranoid about dehydration. I have called Dr. Greg almost every day. He has been really patient with me and only freaked me out once when he said we might have to hospitalize Wy if he gets worse. I have been doing everything to keep him hydrated without bottles including mixing formula in his food, trying to trick him, and today 2 Pedialyte ice pops (which he LOVED). It has me all on edge. He is all clingy and needy but I have no idea what hurts him or how to help. Dr. Greg says I just have to wait it out. I am I feel like I am living in a Dr. Seuss book. He does not want balls, blocks, or books. He does not want to sit, stand, or stride. He does not like milk, food, or juice. Maybe I should try green eggs and ham.
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