After rocking for a good half hour, I start getting very tired. My eyelid start to droop and I slide lower and lower in the rocking chair. I try to stay focus frightened that I will fall asleep with Wy in my arms and drop him. I watch the clock and give myself time lines. When the clock hits 3:30 or in another 10 minutes. Then I move him to his crib. I will just get back in bed, cozy and comfortable, to hear him rustling then grabbing the bars to struggle to stand. Sometimes I try to rock him some more if I am wide wake and have nothing to do the next day. But most often I carry him to Mommy's Big Bed and tuck him close next to me where he sleeps like a baby, which we all know doesn't happen often.
I try. I really really do. I sleep better with him in his crib. When he is next to me I worry constantly about rolling over on him so I rarely get to a deep sleep. He is a huge bed hog for a little boy. He kicks me continuously. I will rock him for hours then give him 5 minutes next to me in bed and he's out. I know it is a very bad habit but sometimes I am just so very tired that I can't help it. In the middle of the night all I can think about is the multitude of things I have the accomplish the next day and how 4 hours of sleep will not allow me to function. I honestly do not know how to break this vicious cycle.
I have been reading a Dr. Ferber book for about two months. I have thought about letting him cry it out but I don't think I have it in me. Even if I did, I am sure that he would wake the house up and someone else would come running to his rescue. I have thought about moving to the couch when he gets loud so I can ignore him through the monitor but then I remember how cold the couch is. Yes, I admit, I do enjoy waking up next to him. I leisurely get us out of bed after telling him a story or playing a game of high five. But that is never the reason why I put him in my bed in the first place. I am having a lot of trouble with this. I am afraid that I am creating a lasting habit and it will be even harder to get him out of my bed later. But seriously what am I suppose to do? I just can't rock him for 2 hours every night.
The CIO thing is really hard. We had to wait until the girls could pull themselves up AND down. Because Avery specially would pull herself up in the middle of the night, but not be able to get down! I have to say though, the whole CIO process didn't take too long. But it WAS torture in the beginning, listening to the crying. It just goes against nature to hear your baby cry and NOT rush to her side(s)!
What a pain, with the diapers. I have no idea how to circumvent that!
It's not so bad to bring them in bed. None of my children sleep with me anymore:) ....... Auntie DE
I worked with a family that did the whole co-sleeping thing--unabashedly, without apology. ...and they stuck with it! a big family of 5 tucked in together through the boys being 10-ish. [several beds pushed together, with piles of sheets, at that point] And they are the best-adjusted kids I know. really well-adjusted.
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