You know that place in between dreaming and waking where your mind just wanders. The other night it was raining very hard and it gets a little loud on our high ceiling. Usually this lulls me to sleep but in my almost sleeping state my mind started rambling. I don't really know how to write about it so I am just going to give you a play by play:

It is really raining. Its been raining for almost 29 hours, thats a really long time. The tide was so high the dock was underwater. Wyatt loves walking on that dock. I hope its not structurally unsound after all this rain. Are we in a flood zone? Maybe it is going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights. God is purging the Earth. That is definitely what is happening. So, what is the family boat situation? We've got the canoe which is not ideal for rainy weather. You can't really sleep on that. I wonder if we could fit a tent in Grandpa's clam boat. Does James still have his Boston Whaler? I bet that Eric would take my family on his sailboat because his family has two boats. There is a cabin on that and we could use the dingy for storage. Confining Wyatt on a boat would be like a bull in a china shop. We would have to stock up on a lot of canned goods. But I wouldn't want to litter the cans. We could crush them and keep them with us until we could recycle. Wait, would there be recycling when everything dried? Etc, Etc, ad nauseam.
When I woke up in the morning I told my mom and Lizzy my Noah's ark quandary. They both thought this was a bizarre, morbid, thought process. Meanwhile I thought everyone had mental ramblings like this. These are daily occurrences for me. I am always contemplating "what if" scenarios in microscopic detail. Like what if I died tomorrow? What if there was an earthquake? What if that noise was a murderer coming to kill me? Or more positive things like what if I won 12 million dollars? What if I kissed the next person to walk in my house? What if I moved to Africa with Wyatt strapped on my back to help AIDS orphans? I guess not all people think like that but if they don't what do they think of? Or do their minds go blank and fuzzy like snow on the TV?
I have had several dreams about floods lately. Three that I can remember in the past week. I looked it up in my dream dictionary. Yes, I have one of those. Got it at the St. John's fair for $1 and it was totally worth it. It says a flood represents a powerful emotional cleansing experience or that I am experiencing emotions that may be overwhelming. Funny part is I can't think of anything that is really overwhelming me at the moment. Emotionally, I am feeling very happy and contented lately. I have a great job with a lot of potential. Lizzy's health is on the upswing. Wyatt is joyously happy and thriving. I have the best babysitters in the world. I am trying to have a social life and am enjoying every moment with Eric. I am feeling very hopeful for a good year. Yes, there are some icky things but none that are grossly overwhelming. I guess I have to think on it some more because these flood dreams just keep on coming.
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