1 - I am, perhaps, thee worst speller on the planet. I have to spell-check every blog about 12 times before I am confident enough to post and even then there are still mistakes. I lost my 3rd grade spelling bee to "Window" and it wasn't until about 5th grade that I learned how to spell "always". My friend Nicole finally corrected me after I had been signing my notes "Love all ways" for all my life.
2 - Lizzy has an array of fuzzy, cartoon print, oversized, static cling pajama pants that she wears so much they are form fitted to her body. I think she could wear a different pair every day for 6 months and not run out. I don't know why this annoys me other then sometimes I feel like I live with MC Hammer.
3 - I am a huge fan of old fashion mail. When I had more time on my hands, I used to try to send letters to my friends, actual hand written letters. I like thinking about the person receiving the letter; a look of surprise on their face when reading the return address. Then sitting and holding a piece of paper that was once physically in my hands. I wish I had time to do that more often.
4 - Lizzy did not know how to flush the toilet until she was 16, literally. Sometimes I think it was out of laziness but other times I think she was secretly afraid that the toilet was going to eat her if she remained in the bathroom while the flush happened.
5 - I have this weird obsession with zit popping and nose picking. I know its gross but I can't help myself. I try to blame my nose picking on my nose ring but my family has learned otherwise. If I see a zit, even if it is on some other face, I really have a greatest overwhelming urge to pop it. Usually I have to look away or else I might do it.
6 - Whenever I need a good pick-me-up I watch old home videos of Lizzy. My favorites include potty training where she sticks her face in the potty, looks up holding her nose and says "ewwww". Then there is the stirring rendition of the Lion King all the lyrics having a 2 year old spin. For example, "Can't you feel the love tonight, tonight" and "I'm gonna be a mighty king that people can see before" and "It's the Circle of the night". Seriously, I am laughing just thinking about it.
7 - We played manhunt as kids around our neighborhood, maybe about 10 or so of us. I loved manhunt but was terrified of the dark. I always hid within sight lines of my house and a light unless I was with someone else. Sometimes I wonder if when Wyatt comes into my room because there is a monster under his bed will I respond with "Shit Monsters! Lock the door!"
8 - Us three girls tend to do a lot of physical fighting which is mostly directed at Lizzy because she is the littlest. Not to actually hurt one another but more as a way to pass time or to show affection. However, most of the time I do it because Lizzy is the clumsiest, most awkward, entirely spastic person I have ever met. One quick lunge and guaranteed she is on the floor, a puddle of limbs.
9 - I save everything but hate clutter, the living oxymoron. I have every college paper that Hayley wrote for, every program for the shows I was involved in, every note Kari passed me, and every birthday card my mother wrote me. However, I hate clutter and will throw out everything that is unnecessary. I need everything to have a place, a box, a drawer, a shelf. All my surfaces need to be object free, books in height order, and pens separated from pencils.
10 - Lizzy insists on watching mind numbing shows like Paris Hilton's New Best Friend and that crazy Parental Control dating show. Channel surfing is one thing but she actually DVR's them. Her one redeeming TV watching habit is she also DVR's the The Office. So, I guess she is forgiven.
11 - I rub my feet together when I am going to sleep. When I sleep with someone else, I put my feet as far away from the other person as possible so they won't know. I always thought I was being every inconspicuous until recently when Eric told me he has know about my feet rubbing for years. Funny thing is my mom does it and Wyatt seems to be doing it too.
12 - We have this spindly apple tree in our backyard with branches low enough to climb. There is this one spot that intersects perfectly to make a little seat. Lizzy used to take one of our couch cushions and sit in the "Y", reading, singing, playing with dolls. She would stay up there for hours, crazy tree hugger.
13 - Rebecca and I wrote a nasty letter to our cousin Emily when I was 7. I don't remember what the quarell was about. After depositing the letter in their mailbox, we ran back home and hid. Michael was down a few minutes later, yelling at us for being mean and defending his sisters honor. I watched him from the upstairs window pace around our house, very, very upset. I regret that letter to this day even though I can't remember what is written. This incident was a primary reason that I didn't want to have a girl. I don't think I could handle mean little girls.
14 - Lizzy is convinced that her cat, Delilah, is a kind, gentle, lovable feline. In reality, the cat is EVIL!!! (with three exclamation points!!!). She tortures our other cat, who is deaf, clawing at her while hiding around the corner. Delilah is a wild beast that bites anyone she comes in contact with and ritually run around the house like a 5 year old with a nasty pixie stick/coke habit. Clearly, Delilah has Lizzy brain washed. Lizzy named Delilah after the song by the Plain White Tees. However, I am reminded of a Samson and Delilah bit done in a Vegas show with leather thongs and chains. I think mine is more appropriate.
15 - I am utterly obsessed with jigsaw puzzles and have been my entire life. I was doing 500 piece puzzles when I was 5 which my mom says is very impressive. I did a ton of puzzles when I lived in SC. There is sometimes tremendously satisfying about every piece having a place. When I get a piece in I rub my finger over the connection like I'm making a wish. I do it every time.
16 - Lizzy told me once that she wants her wedding song to be "Cash, Money, Hoes". I haven't decided if she was kidding or not.
17 - I have a weird food texture issue. I hate raw tomatoes but will eat tomato sauce without the chunks and ketchup. I also hate bananas, baked apples as in pie, cottage cheese, and hot dogs. I am not sure how the hot dogs play into the texture issues but I still can't eat them.
18 - The other night, Lizzy was trying to convince Rebecca and I that she had really huge arm muscles. She would flex her arm then try to peck us like a rabid chicken. When making this ridiculous motion she would yell, "Watch out, the python is going to get you." If this wasn't enough to send me on the floor in a fit of laughter, when she did make contact it was like getting bit by a mosquito.
19 - Since I stopped breast feeding, my boobs have shrunk. I have always been a C, then was up to a D cup and now am down to a B. This makes me very depressed basically because none of my shirts seem to fit right anymore. I thought you have what you have. Evidently, along with every other aspect of my body after pregnancy, my boobs are no longer my own. I hope they grow back. I must, I must, I must increase my bust.
20 - To this day, Lizzy is still unable to pronounce our Aunt Carolyn's name. She says something like Aunt Cal-o-Rine. We have tried to correct her several times but she is unable to fix it.
21 - Every Thanksgiving, Rebecca, Emily, Michael and I put on concerts for the family. We would work all day on the dance and song routine then perform for the family after dinner. Basically, Michael and I wanted to showcase our talents and Rebecca and Emily were always the back up. Michael and I were Simba and Nala, Rebecca and Emily were Timon and Pumba. Ringo and George to our Paul and John. Kind of explains a lot.
22 - Lizzy is very musically inclined. When she first started taking showers, maybe around 6 or 7, she would sing. Loudly. About blackbirds. We used to crowd around the bathroom door to listen, like our own private concert.
23 - I really would like to be good at scrap-booking. I think it is something I would really enjoy but can't seem to muster up the time, supplies, or patience. I have done some, complete with artifacts from trips, notes, etc but they are in photo books with crusty sticky pages. I want to go to the craft store and spend ridiculous amounts of money on that fancy paper and puffy stickers. Every time I am in Target I look at their scrap-booking isle but I always get too intimidated. I think I would be really good at it if I took the plunge.
24 - Lizzy has this weird thing with vanity license plates. When she sees them she says she creates the entire life story of the person driving and becomes intriqued by the person. When she sees the car driving around town she thinks, "Oh there's the BANK4U Banker who is cheating on his wife with her cousin with a gambling problem and 11 toes. I wonder what he is getting at Stop n' Shop?" She said at one point she had a dream and her license plate was XTRASML. I wonder what that says about her.
25 - For a 10 year old who was really, really pissed off when Lizzy was born and then I ignored her for much of her life I sure know a lot about Lizzy.
1 comment:
Wait...so you have my college class papers or my articles from the college newspaper? Ha ha ha.
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