My Little Man,
These months are flying by. One morning I am going to wake up and see a 12 year old still sleeping in my bed. Which might edge on wildly inappropriate. Hopefully, you won't be sleeping in my bed by then but judging by the last few months you just might. I have absolutely no will power when it comes to you. You wake up all lonely in your crib, tears rolling down your cheeks, reaching your arms out for me to rescue you and I will always come to save you. Then I move over to our glider, intent on rocking you back to sleep and you fling your 25lbs toward my bed. Eventually, I give in (sometimes it only taking 2 seconds) and you are back sound asleep before your head hits my pillow. If you wake up again, you roll into me, nuzzling your little head under my arm and we cuddle for the rest of the night. All is right with the world. Until I come to my senses and remember I am creating the WORST HABIT and you will undoubtedly become some kind of bed hogging, cougar loving, unable to sleep alone monster.

All sleeping habits aside, life with you has remained perfectly wonderful. Sometimes I forget how amazingly adaptable you are and will have my doubts about your good mannered behavior. Then I will bring you somewhere new and am reminded all over again how my doubts are completely unreasonable when met with your charm and mischievous smile. It doesn't matter where we go. On our trip to Boston to visit Mia, I could hardly believe my luck when you slept most of the 4.5 hour drive. Of course, Kelly's quesadillas, apples, chips and guacamole didn't hurt as a pit stop. You loved playing with all the new toys at Mias. Growing especially fond of a baby stroller, some dolls, a play microwave, and the plastic kitchenette. I am guessing it is because we don't have those kinds of toys at home but I am secretly hoping it is because your inspired inner chef is coming out already. Oh, to have a cook in the family. My idea of sheer bliss! I am going to have to invest in a plastic kitchen set with all the trimmings.

Your personality is shining through more and more each day. I can see that naked time, once limited to twice a day, will probably become all day over the summer. You simply hate getting dressed. The dramatics!! I let you run around the house after bath time. It is when you laugh and squeal the most. When I finally am able to grab you instantaneously you start crying; throwing your little body around trying to get out of my arms. You squirm on the changing table, never ceasing, until I let you back down. My reasoning for your torture is the cold weather but when its warm what will stop you? I will have to be satisfied running around the house with a towel cleaning up after all you pee on.

You have also started this new little habit that I have yet to catch on film. When you find something that you know you shouldn't have, such as my glass of water or a candle or a shirt out of the laundry I painstakingly folded, and will begin to run. You hold the stolen object in one hand while waving your other arm next to you. I have come to believe it is an attempt at keeping me from grabbing you. My best description is like a football player running the ball down the field. Its hysterical. I start laughing every time you do it. Surely, not the response you are looking for. Another habit that I am quite happy about is your love of books. I feel like I am reading to you all the time and will never forget to throw a book in my diaper bag. You love The Ten Little Ladybugs and if asked from the den to "Get your Ladybugs" you will march off into our room, all by yourself, to get your book. Other favorites include I Love You Stinky Face, The Busy Little Train, The Big Green Monster and anything from the Bright Baby series. I have most of them memorized and I am sure you will too soon.
You never cease to amaze me. I had thought, by now, some of your novelty would have worn off, like an new gadget or puppy. But my interest in you has never waned, never faltered. If anything I have grown more enamored, more intrigued, and more in love something that I never could have dreamed be possible. Yes, I have my moments where I feel like I need to pull my hair out and I am sure it is reciprocated. But then you will call your little "Mum" from the other room or bury your head into my pant leg or look at me with pure love on your face and all frustration is erased. I still cannot believe that I made something as perfect as you.
I love you everyday.