It would appear that everyone around me is pregnant. Either all of my friends are super fertile or pregnancy is catching. Sometimes I think it is me being super sensitive since I was in their shoes not too long ago literally begging for someone to be pregnant so I would know at least one other mom. Then I remember that my friends probably just like to have sex. The first bundle of joy will make his apperance around July 4th to my cousin Emily and her boyfriend Chris. The second around August 20th to my friend Kari and her husband Erik. This will surely be the summer of love.

I am thrilled about these 2 babies for several reasons, mostly selfish. First, despite my best efforts at trying to get Wyatt to interact with other kids most of the time he seems scared out of his mind. This weekend at the playground, he would run up to a kid just to become shell shocked and stare blank faced until the other child ran away. You can clearly see that he wants to play but has no idea how. I am terrified that he is going to be some lonely child that can only relate to adults. I am hoping that having another child in the family will force him to become comfortable interacting with children because they will be delegated to the "Children's Table" and therefore forced to talk to each other. Ingenious, right?!
Second, I am in dire need of some mom friends. Not that I don't love my childless-friends, cause I do. I just need some friends that don't work full time. Somebody who won't cringe when I bite an ice cube to brake it for Wy to suck on. Somebody who will understand when Wyatt starts throwing green beans all over a restaurant while I stare at him loving. Somebody who I can talk about my boobs, or lack thereof, without feeling like I am talking about my boobs all the time. Most of all, somebody who I can have a real conversation with about juggling life/mom-dom/work/relationships without feeling judged or competitive or inferior. Cause that's hard.

The weirdest part is seeing Kari and Emily pregnant makes me miss being pregnant which is something I never thought I would miss. There is something so comforting knowing that you are never alone. Knowing that I was creating this miraculous being. I miss feeling Wyatt's little kicks, having a little nudger, a little bean. It is a time that was so filled with love and anticipation. A time that while its happening goes too slow but when its gone you want it back. Honestly, it takes everything in my power to resist groping the both of them. I want to rub their bellies, all the time. I have to focus to remain seated and to not stare. Now I realize why people did that to me in the grocery store. Knowing there is a baby growing under that thin layer of skin makes you want to give it some of your love and then you can somehow be a part of the love thats growing there.
1 comment:
hold off on more babies for a while, please? DAD
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