If this weather doesn't get nice soon I am going to have to go on Lexapro. You beg me everyday to go outside. You stare out the back sliding glass door with a look of longing and I eventually have to drag you away cause either its too cold or its raining. It is the saddest thing having to confine you to the house when all you want is to play in the grass, or on the beach, or simply run around with the wind blowing your three hairs. Sometimes, weather be damned, I bundle you up and take you out but we only last for a little while because your little hands get so red I have to bring you in. I am beginning to think spring will never come. Seriously, there were snow flurries yesterday. On April 8th. Global warming is messing with my head.

Gammy, Auntie B, you and I made an impromptu visit to the city going to Central Park and the zoo on an incredibly nice day. Despite being surrounded by polar bears, seals, goats, pigs, and monkeys you were much more interested in chasing pigeons. You would throw your hands up, let out a huge screech of delight, and run as fast as your legs would take you. When the pigeons predictably flew away, you would stop, look around, then run to find some more. I can't even imagine what would happen if you actually caught one. The screeching had most zoo goers confused. It was such a joyful, exhilarated, happy screech that most parents didn't know what to make of it. Screeching with excitement?! Toddlers do that?! We walked around the Mall in Central Park. There was a guy sitting with a boom box on his lap. No fear, you stopped right in front of him and started bouncing to the beat. I had to wrestle you into your stroller and you passed out before we got to the parking garage. I want to go to Central Park with you every day this summer. I had so much fun.
Your vocabulary is starting to pick up. I will say a word a bunch of times and you will stare at my mouth trying to mimic what I just said. It comes out as the crazy kid talk that only mothers can understand. You will meow and bark but the meowing is more of a high pitched sigh and the bark is a low repetitive grunting. You have got up, down, and cheese perfected. But most of the time when you want something you point. When we go outside we always have to bring a flower to Lizzy. You stop, pick a flower, and repeat "Zzzzieee, Zzzzieeee, Zzzziiiee" until we get home. Auntie B was quite upset about that. Lizzy keeps a vase of her hand picked flowers on our desk. Hopefully, our neighbors won't realize their gardens are being depleted.
You are turning more into a little man every day. You can eat a banana without me cutting it up which I am ecstatic about. We all know how much I LOATHE bananas. You do most of the work yourself which leaves me banana free. Pure bliss!!! Under Grandpa's tutelage you can drink from a big cup. He gives you a sip of his orange juice every morning and you have learned to do it yourself. You always want what I'm drinking. You learned to shake your head no when you don't want something. The other day I put on a TV show that you didn't like and you shook your head and yanked the remote from me. I changed the channel because I was afraid you were going to no yourself into shaken baby syndrome. You try to imitate everything I do. You want to push the grocery cart, unload the dish washer, use the vacuum, and fold laundry. You always want to know what I am doing with my laptop. You want my cell phone, my iPod, and my camera. You want to rake leaves with Grandpa and smell flowers with Gammy. You especially love watching people cook. It is fascinating watching you make connections, seeing the look on your face when something clicks. I would love to be in your head for just 10 minutes. Your world must be so exciting.
I love you everyday, more and more.
1 comment:
You are the joy in our hearts and what a gift its been watching you grow and become the sweetest little bean in all the land.
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