Monday, June 29, 2009
It all Comes Rushing Back
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Peanuts and Crackerjacks
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Keep Knocking, No One's Home
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Trading Babies
Terry has been home for about three months now. He comes in and out, traveling every few weeks but is never gone for long. Wyatt and Terry's relationship has blossomed due to the consistency. Wyatt trusts Terry, looks to him for comfort and safety, runs to him with his outstretched arms to be picked up. Wyatt has made the connection between Terry and Dad. Its adorable really. Sometimes when they're playing together I just want to sit back and watch. Watch how differently Wyatt plays with Terry compared with me. No matter how tom-boyish I am, I will never be able to play like a boy.
As Wyatt's comfort level has grown so has my own. As long as Wyatt is happy and content so am I. Its nice having an extra set of hands to help. So, when I was left with Wyatt one day, car-less, and needed to run up to the church my first natural call was Terry. We made a plan for Terry to come over to watch the baby for a few hours while I took Terry's car to zip around town. Seems like a pretty normal happening, right?! Wrong. This was a monumental leap of faith and trust on both of our sides.
The first issue was Terry loaning me his car. Terry's car is fairly new, only purchased a few months ago and a 6-speed to boot. Since he moves around a lot, his Jeep has become this makeshift home that he is Very attached to. That might be an understatement. If Terry had to choose between food and his Jeep, he would without a doubt choose his Jeep. The next issue was that I haven't driven a 6-speed in about 5 years. Besides, Terry thinks I am a horrific driver even though I am the one with the squeaky clean driving record. The last issue was I that I still getting kinda twitchy about leaving Wyatt. I'm not nervous. Thats not it. Its more that I get worried that Wyatt's going to hurt himself and I'm not going to be there to give him a big hug. Or what happens if Wy is looking for me and can't find me? Will he think I abandoned him? And I just miss him. Plain and simple.
So, the three of us are in the driveway. Wyatt in Terry's arms as I am settling into the Jeep's front seat. Terry is explaining about how I shouldn't need the 6th speed and if I do, I am going too fast. That the registration is in the glove compartment. That I better not burn out the clutch. I am trying to pay attention but we are talking over each other as I tell Terry that he better take good care of Wyatt. Take him for a walk down the beach. Remember his hat and sunscreen. Sit with him and watch the Backyardigans if he gets antsy. There are goldfish crackers in the cabinet and apple juice in the fridge. And whatever you do don't forget the lovey blanket. As I pulled away, all I could think is how comical the situation was. How Terry and I were both nervous about the next few hours.
When I got home about 2 hours later, Wyatt was playing happily with Terry in the kitchen completely indifferent to my presence. Actually, I think Wyatt was kinda mad that I was home. He gave me this look of "Ohh, its you." I, thankfully, didn't stall out and remembered how to drive stick in a flash. But when Terry got back in his car that afternoon, he noticed two check engine lights that hadn't been on before I took her out for a spin. Somehow I managed I disrupt the balance and deflate the tires going all of 15 miles. Clearly, Terry had more to worry about than I did. A lesson I am sure he will remind me of the next time he babysits.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My First Mohawk, the First of Many