Anyway, you are still sleeping in my bed every night and I have entirely given up on regaining my bed anytime before kindergarden. You used to be so nice to have in bed, all cuddly and warm. But more recently you are getting too comfortable. You are the biggest bed hog I have ever known. Seriously, there are nights when I am literally falling out of our queen size bed because you are strewn parallel across the whole thing usually with your feet in my face. You have landed several roundhouse kicks around 4 a.m at which point I jump awake looking for our killer only to find your tiny foot wedged into my neck. No matter how I try to keep you on your side it never works. You have gotten so used to falling asleep in 'Mommy's Big Bed' that anyone who is putting you to sleep needs to crawl in bed with you, naps included, cuddle up and read you some books until you fall asleep. Only once you are asleep can you be moved to your crib. My favorite part about you sleeping in my bed are the mornings. You take a while to wake up but once you decide its time you sit straight up and start poking me. You search in the covers for my belly button to laugh at or shove you little finger in my nose or eyes. We lay around, laughing, until absolutely necessary. It is my favorite time of day.
You absolutely LOATHE getting your diaper changed. It is the worst possible baby torture that you can think of. If you are naked and I even attempt to pick you up to bring you in our room, it is instant hysterics. You have certainly got your fake crying down. It is beginning to make me think I need to start potty training you. You understand when you are peeing quite well. After the bath, you find it hilarious to go straight to the den and pee on the rug. At first I did think it was quite funny. Its getting old now. Seriously, how can I convince Gammy and Grandpa to let us get a dog if you are peeing all over the house? You will even grab the towel and try to clean it up. We tell you Not to do pee-pee on the rug then you literally make your face red trying to push some out. But you seem to get shy around the toilet. Its not that your scared, you love the flush, but you don't like sitting because I don't think you understand why your sitting to pee. I am thinking that over the summer I am going to let you run around naked on the back deck with your little training potty close by. That way it doesn't matter what you pee on. Is 16 months too early for boys? I have no idea.
I was watching you run around in the back yard today simply admiring how amazing you are. I really don't have enough adjectives to describe you. You seem to have this light radiating off of you. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who sees it but the way people gravitate to you I don't think its just me anymore. You are this magnet. This really funny magnet too. Now that you realize your actions make me laugh, you try to do it all the time. You'll try and push me over, or put on my sandals, or force me to eat 12 hundred blueberries, or make funny faces with your string cheese. You crack me up, quickly brighten my day, and cheer up any bad mood.
I love you, everyday.
Your momma
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