Monday, September 14, 2009

Dancing Around Dog Poop

Ok, so, we all know about my eHarmony adventure. I must say it has been rather amusing. There is this whole process of asking questions back and forth before you finally get to open emailing. It is kind of tedious but I would like to think I can weed out some of the creepers that way. Below is a sampling of questions that I asked and the answers that I received.

1. You're stuck on a desert island. You have one book, one movie, one CD, one TV series, and an item of your choice. What do you bring?

One book, likely the Tao Te Ching or something similar for tons of reasons I'll happily discuss with you at leisure. Movie would likely be The Fountain, for similar thoughts. CD is a collection titled "Samhain" I have from overseas. TV series is House, MD almost without question. Last item would be one of a collection of knives I have, from which other things, culminating in a seaworthy catamaran, could be constructed! =)

2. What is your favorite family tradition?

My family has never been particularly close, so we do not have many traditions of any consequence. All of us however have served in some military capacity, myself included (1998-2005, in Persia) and I have great pride in the many circles and adventures carried on by a military family, however otherwise scattered it might be.

3. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?

Once when I was in Arabia we were invited to dine with a Bedouin clan in the area, and I took that sheik's peregrine to play with and chase after a tennis ball. It was very rude of me to invade his space however the bird was very amenable to me, so he was amused. Shortly thereafter I caused a large crowd of people to begin dancing and music, and helped myself to dancing with his daughter, a local princess. Several other of my decision have been similarly erratic, but those stand out in my memory the most!

Seriously folks! I cannot make this stuff up. Do we think this is a joke? I can't decide. Either this guy has had some bizarre and incredible stories that I cannot begin to imagine or he is totally yanking my chain. I haven't questioned him back yet. My guess is he's probably from India or England and I am completely lost on his humor. The military sending him to Persia?! Has to be from abroad. So far I haven't found any keepers but I have found a ton of laughs.

(If your bored, what would be your answer to one of my questions?)


Anonymous said...

hi katie, this is pelagia. i think this guy is definitely joking, and i totally know people with exactly this kind of humor, including my old college boyfriend. however i also have a friend who went to india once, found out he was an indian prince, though he didn't quite know it, ended up playing elephant polo (that's polo on elephants) with the indian secretary of state and is now dating a billionaire-ess who was recently featured on the cover of the ny times business section. he also broke the world record for number of "5's" on AP exams when he was in high school (the number being, 13 different exams. i didn't know there were 13 different AP subjects!) he's now an MD/PHD student at harvard med working on developing a cure for these people definitely do exist! imagine how improbable his answers would have looked.

Anonymous said...

or think about sniffy. "i was once chatting with the queen of england in her chambers, and i made a joke to the effect that..." etc. etc. it's probably only chance that peregrine falcons were not involved in that event. --pelagia

Katie said...

My guess would be the guy is Iranian. They serve in the Persian army and they also rate family or social connections to Persian royalty highly.

Anonymous said...

I am good at dancing around the poop. I will have plenty of practice with pup.