Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Next Generation Laziness

I have come to a crossroads. After almost 19 months of motherhood, I feel like I am finally ready to take on dating. Not something super serious but maybe just some fun dinner dates. There was a long stretch there that I honestly wasn't really interested. I was fiercely focused on Wyatt and my vision could not be blurred to let anyone into our private little love-fest. But the older he gets, the more independent, as much as I hate to admit it he doesn't need me as much anymore. I am finding myself able to focus a little more on myself. What I am finding is that I'm lonely. That I miss sharing my life with someone.

I have never had trouble meeting people. I am extremely outgoing, could talk myself blue in the face, and could have fun in a paper bag. Lately, I am feeling this intense need to break through my social circles. To meet people entirely new, that I have no connection with. It is kind of hard to do that in small town America. I keep on running into the same people. I am sure I could in NYC but I rarely have the time. On another front, I have been pretty depressed and kind of out of it lately (reasons for another post entirely) and I feel like meeting someone new might give me something to look forward to. Hope, maybe, that the male race isn't entirely worthless.

So, I have been thinking about joining an online dating site, eHarmony specifically. But I am having a lot of mixed emotions about it. My question is: is it lame or practical? I can't get over the feeling that I am a little better then eHarmony which is probably totally vain of me. I am kind of embarrassed about having to join a dating site to meet people. However, it seems entirely practical to me. My time is extremely limited. I rarely go out. Dating requires a lot of time. This might cut some of the drama out. But still. Its kind of weird like online shopping for men. I keep on going back and forth. What do we think?


Hayley said...

Do it...but I already told you that ;)

Anonymous said...

One of my friends met her husband on an online dating service and my other friend also met the man of her dreams on eharmony and have been together for three years. It does work

Kt said...

I joined a similar type of site in Sydney - worked like a charm. Lots of really lovely dates (although to be honest, no keepers). My advice is don't spent too much time chatting online. Talk to them on the phone or meet them for coffee as soon as possible - its the only way to know who the person really is.

Anonymous said...

DO it! It's a fabulous idea! If nothing else, you get to have a little fun, meet new people, and enjoy being 27!!
<3 Mia

Gammy Pammy said...

What I think is you deserve to be happy and to have someone to share your life with and if eharmony can help you find that then go for it. You have been so dedicated to Wyatt since you were pregnant and its okay to dedicate some time to yourself. Some lucky man is about to win the lottery.

Anonymous said...

Dito on Gammy remarks.


Anonymous said...

Do it!

But realize that in order to actually reply back to people on eHarmony, you need to pay. You could check out other free sites, like okcupid.com. You get a better chance of someone responding, or being able to respond to them without having to pay.