Thursday, September 3, 2009


The lizard exists people!!! Evidently, some guy was moving and the three foot beast escaped. He tried to catch it but couldn't and then had to leave. So now, we have this creepy man eating lizard that is slowly starving and beginning to hunt our children, cats, and new puppies. My dad had a run in on Sunday when he was cutting the grass. He looked up and there is this lizard sunning itself on our neighbors roof. There has been an all out rescue effort with nets and fire department trucks but they have yet to catch it. My thought is since it has turned to autumn early it probably won't survive much longer. Too cold. At least that is what I tell myself so I can sleep and let my baby play in the backyard.

Also, after much encouragement, I have signed up for eHarmony. I was very hesitant and for the most part still pretty untrusting but its worth a shot. The way I justified it was if I get one nice date a month it pays for itself. So far it has been mildly disappointing. No one has really been jumping out at me. But I am willing to try at least for the month that I subscribed for. It is kind of an intense process. There are all these questions that you have to answer before they will let you have any open communication. So, I'm not up to that stage yet. And for those of you wondering, I am keeping Wyatt a secret until I meet them in person. I don't want to attract any creepers but I also don't want to keep him a secret so I have decided that first date is probably appropriate. I am sure there will be many posts to come about this new venture.

Another poll to the masses: Wyatt and I have a membership at the local Y and I can't seem to decide which, if any, class I should sign us up for. Our options are a mommy and me class that we did last time and he adored it. It was for 16-24 month olds and it was like a huge play group. He really did enjoy it. Or another swim lesson, which he also liked but I think that might be better for the winter. I love being able to go swimming when you can't outside. Or there is this new music appreciation class which seems like they play instruments, sing songs, dance, that kind of thing. Or should we skip this session entirely because this new swine flu information is kind of daunting and he already has a cold. I am leaning toward music class because I would love to get Wyatt into the arts as soon as possible. But the germys have got me kind of freaked. Its a toss up.

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