Moving home was the best thing I could ever do for Wyatt. He is surround by family that adores him and he, in turn, has filled our home with laughter.
I have reached my Backyardigans limit. I'm sorry Wyatt. I'm tapping out.
Despite first impressions, working for a church is never dull.
I am surprisingly in love with that stupid dog, renamed Doctor Pupstein, aka Pup.
I will always search for the silver lining in every situation and every person.
Hard times will come but eventually the good times will come too.
Sometimes all I need is five minutes and a cup of tea to clear my head.
I am still using a bottle in my hand as a security blanket, if I am uncomfortable undoubtedly a beer will make me feel more assured.
Life moves slowly when you are waiting for it to go.
My family grows stronger and more resilient every year despite hardships endured.
Pity parties are boring.
Every store I walk into I will find something for Wyatt. I have learned not to look.
I tend to make mountains out of molehills.
I am terrified of other peoples children, despite having my own.
I have been hurt, I will be hurt again, and there is nothing I can do about it.
Wyatt's angelic face still catches me of guard. How is it possible that I have created something so beautiful?
I am terrible at keeping in touch but I think about my friends (old and new) on a daily basis.
I am slowly being pushed out of my own bed by a toddler's size 7 and a snoring puppy that must be in contact with my body at all times. I have been contemplating curling up at the bottom of the bed. There will be more room for me that way.
My patience is a work in progress.
I am an eternal optimist, sometimes to a fault.
There is nothing more exhilarating to me then the first few months of a relationship when sleep doesn't matter.
Its easier to blame others then take responsibly for our actions. I do not want to be that person.
I am grateful for every break in my heart. It has made me who I am today.
We (meaning our entire household and a few frequenters of 105) are on a first name basis with the entire cast of Cars, which is extremely impressive since my Dad can barely remember my name half the time.
I am very sensitive regarding my mothering skills and tend to take every comment to heart. I am working on fixing this.
Online dating is not as scary or intimidating as I thought. Actually, it can be down right fun.
I have added words like sacristy, eucharist, vestments, Lambeth, and episcopalian into my daily vocabulary.
All I need is a hug from my son to make any bad feeling melt away.
I take my family for granted. Period.
When my sisters and I are together we revert to children. I honestly think that this will still ring true when I'm 50. What can I say? They bring out the best in me.
I would rather live in a messy house then miss one minute of Wyatt's cuteness.
I've learned to keep breathing.
Mothering a toddler is much harder then mothering a baby.
I can be extremely motivated or extremely lazy and usually nothing in between.
Wyatt continues to be my joy, my greatest love, and the best thing about me.
What a year indeed! As they say its not the destination its the journey and so far its been a hell of a ride. I know I don't say it enough but know that your doing a great job, and Wyatt does indeed bring laughter and joy into our already blessed lives.
I have learned Lighting McQueen and Mader are cool beans baby.
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