I have finally been able to nail down some mom friends. Mostly because some of my friends have become moms. I cannot begin to explain how nice this is. Its so refreshing to not feel like the lone ranger at a party chasing around a toddler. Not to mention someone who is off from work as much as I am. And someone who I can relate to. Kari and I can sit and talk about mom stuff for hours, and usually do. She is a great sounding board. I can bounce ideas and problems off of her to get her opinion. It helps me keep my mom-emotions in check. I think it is good for Wyatt too, to have a friend to play with, hopefully make him less like an only child. The other night we were stopping by their house. I asked Wyatt if he would like to go visit our friends. He goes "Yes! Go play with Lars Christian!" Although the Christian part usually comes off as Crissssssshtan. When we first introduced the boys Kari said "Wyatt, this is Lars Christian. You don't know it yet but you are going to be best friends." I really hope they will be.

For Wyatt's actually birthday we took the boys to the Children's Museum. It is amazing. I think I might have had more fun then Wyatt. There is a sand room, a bubble room, and this little kid area where he could sit on a motorcycle or a train. He LOVED it. He was running around screaming "All aboard. Hurry up, Momma, train's leaving!" I would rush up to him and he would ask me for my ticket. Then push all the train buttons to make it go. By 1:30, he refused to have lunch and was getting that sleepy walking into things gait. I bundled him up to get into the car then put him down to get my coat on. He bolted back into the museum yelling "Getting away! Bubbles!! Running away!" He would have stayed there all day.

About a month ago, Kari had a babysitting fall through and asked if I could watch Lars Christian for a few hours while she went to work. Literally, 4 hours. I, of course, said yes and that it would be no problem. When I told my mom she started laughing and thought I was out of my mind. "Babysit a 2 year old and a 5 month old. Kate couldn't possibly do that. Yeah, she's a good mom but not that coordinated." Thanks for the vote of confidence! Lars Christian was amazing. He was smiling and happy. Wyatt was good too although wouldn't really share his toys and then decided he wasn't going to share Lars Christian's toys either. Mom did a mad rush home to see if I needed any help. Lars Christian was sleeping and Wyatt and I were sitting and having lunch, the music was on, everyone was happy. Mom couldn't believe it and I labeled myself as the BEST BABYSITTER IN THE WORLD! Then just as I had a very gratifying pat on the back from the naysayer, the lights went out. Yes, it was raining. Yes, it was the middle of the day. Wyatt and I lit some candles. Not a huge deal but shook my footing a little. Once Lars Christian woke up, I sat them both on the couch. Lars Christian on my right, Wyatt on my left, and Pup on my feet and told them a story about a mail truck named Stewart. Wyatt promptly fell asleep listening to the rain just as Kari walked through the door. My conclusion was: I could totally have two kids. (SHUT UP biological clock, Shut the hell Up!)
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