
First, I have to say you're awesome. I have been saying that A LOT lately. Its been your mantra. Since getting back from FL, we have embarked on potty training. I am proud to say that you have been diaper free for over 2 weeks now! I think that deserves a "You're Awesome!!!" I take NO credit at all. You potty trained yourself. I asked you if you wanted to wear underwear and you have been ever since. I still put you in a diaper at night but you have been waking up dry so I might try that next. If I know we are going on a long trip without many bathrooms, I'll put you in a Pull-up just to be on the safe side. But one Pull-up will last you all day because you are so good using the potty. You even made it, without accident, for a full day in Central Park where bathrooms are few and far between. I am just so proud of you.
Two funny stories in potty training and then I'll stop taking about your bodily functions, promise. You were very hesitant to poop on the potty. I'm not sure why but it took you a few days. I would catch you with that look on your face and ask you if you had to use the potty. You go "No Momma. Doin' nuffin. Stop, Momma. Doin' nuffin." Then I would ask again and you would say "Just doin' toodles" which is your word for farting. Finally, we spent a good 2 hours in the bathroom one day. You sitting on your seat while I read you books and Mission Completion!! There was a lot of yelling, hugging, and jumping that day. In a moment of (what I thought) brilliance I let you stand on the toilet seat to pee. You wanted to try standing and we don't own a step stool that will bring you high enough so I thought this was a viable option. You are rather talented and we use that method mostly while using public restrooms. However, I got odd looks when mentioning this to other potty training parents. I am sure you will grow out of that but in the mean time, I still think its pretty clever.

So far this year, April has held only sunshine and March was all rain. You really didn't mind the rain much. You have this great raincoat with matching boots in a green truck print that you adore. Even the slightest chance of rain and you would need to wear the entire outfit. Oh the puddles you jumped in! With all the rain you also perfected your "Rain, Rain Go Away" song. You substitute in people all the time. Sometimes its Momma and Wyatt, Wyatt and Gammy, Momma and Dadda, its all rather adorable. You sing all the time especially in the bath, in your car seat, and at 10:30 when you should be sleeping. It makes it so hard to get mad at you when you are singing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" while using my face as diagram for the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose part. You have this sense of when I am going to get upset and then you do something incredibly cute that I can't possibly harbor any ill will. Its a skill.

Easter was a blast! You didn't quite understand the egg hiding but played along really well. You couldn't differentiate between the hard boiled ones and the plastic ones. So, a lot of our hard boiled eggs ended up with cracks. You would literally throw them into the dye, splashing it everywhere. You kept on asking what was inside. But you were a champ at the finding part. Almost a year after your traumatic superman fall down the stairs, Hayley decided to come visit us again. You warmed to Hay very quickly and was holding her hand in no time. The three of us snuggled down in bed with you sprawled out in the middle. I had to go to work early and left you two peacefully sleeping. Hayley said that when you woke up you rolled over and said "Hairree, what doin?" She's moving to LA at the end of the month. Would you be up for a trip over the summer?

Pup has moved up a status notch as far as I'm concerned. For the most part, he is a pain in the ass. He chews everything, runs around maniac style at 3 in the morning, sleeps in inappropriate places like on my face, and craps all the stupid stuff he's eaten all over the backyard for me to pick up in little black bags. However, you ADORE this dog and this dog ADORES you. For the entirety of the Easter egg hunt with 4 other cousins running around, he was never farther then 5 feet from you. He watches you. Takes care of you. And you need him sleeping on your bed. He peacefully sleeps with you ever nap time. You ask for him if he's gone too long. You give him hugs, share your toys, and tell him "I lobbe you so much, Puparoni!" This is exactly why I got you a dog. Every moment you share with that crazy mutt is worth his weight in gold.
I love you're AWESOME!!
p.s.You are awesome Wyatt and so is your Mommy!!!!!!love, GAD
As always, beautiful times with the cutest boy in the world. When Wy grows up, what great life stories he will enjoy over and over and over again.
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