I am still slightly in shock that you are 2. How did that happen exactly? Time travel? Did I blackout for a few months? Sleeping pills? Seriously, how are you 2 (and 3 months)? This all seems to be going incredibly fast. Everyday your personality grows. You say and think of the most amazing things. And I swear the older you get the more I adore you. It seems impossible, improbably, unimaginable. I find myself just wanting to be near you, giving you kisses, or rubbing your back. I never knew I could love someone SO much. In an utterly ridiculous way. In a cheesy Halmark moment, slow motion meet-cute kinda way. In a way that only happens in the movies but never in real life. In a way that no one could have ever prepared me for.
I signed you up for story-time at the library on Tuesdays. Usually, Gammy brings you because I have to work but last week schedule changed and I got to bring you. I was excited and eager to see what it was all about. But about halfway through I had to use the bathroom, bad. I gritted my teeth for your story enjoyment. Then seeing my opportunity, I whisked you off proclaiming that you should use the potty before we look for books. You went. It was fabulous. I'm not going into much more detail here. When we walked back in the Librarian asked if you did pee-pees on the big potty. Most people are pretty impressed that you are potty trained already. Your not even wearing Pull-ups anymore. Without missing a beat your response was "Yeah, and Momma did a little poo-poos." The librarian started laughing. I picked my chin up off the floor and proceeded to get the HELL out of there as quickly as possible. I guess its a little pay back for all the times I will be embarrassing you.
I try to find teaching moments everyday. You ask "What's that?" to anything of slightest interest and I try to explain in as much detail as possible. You remember everything I say. Its incredible. You might not use the knowledge that day but then 3 days later you will bring it up and I am always caught off guard. We had one of these moments when you spotted piles of dirt in between the cracks in the driveway.
"What's that?" you asked.
"Those are ant holes. Do you see the tiny ant bugs walking around? They live in the dirt. They dig deep down and throw the dirt up to the top so they can dig some more. Lets see if we can find some more ant holes on our walk" I explain while poking around the dirt with my finger.
"Where are more assholes?"
"There's an ant!" you point and start chasing the ant. "Where's his asshole?"
"anT hole" I chuckle. Because its hysterical but I don't want you to think I am laughing at you.
"Where are more assholes?" As we start walking you put one foot on the curb and the other on the pavement doing this hoppy walk. "No assholes, no assholes, no assholes" you mumble searching where the grass meets the curb.
"anT with a T sound."
I stopped correcting you after a while. But then 2 days later when Lizzy was trying to get you to preform it for Facebook you had corrected yourself.
I am feeling very nostolgic today, probably because it was just Mother's Day. But maybe because I have been feeling very blessed lately. When I held you as a newborn, all I felt was promise of this new wonderful life. But as you grew, I began to realize that I can't protect you from everything. That you will get hurt and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is make every moment count. Try to mold, comfort, and support you in any way I can. Show you that my love is pure and unconditional. Ingrain in your heart that no matter who you are or where you go, I will love you. Pray that you remain innocent, carefree, and generous with your love through all your ups and downs. Despite our unconventional start, you have grown into this charming, patient, intelligent boy who doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body. You have met my every expectation with your first breath and now everything that you have done since is uncontaminated fascination. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am so proud to be your mother.
I love you, everyday.
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