The summer is flying by in a blur of hazy, hot, and humid. When we can motivate to get out of our air conditioned room, we have been venturing down to the beach so you can wade and cool off. Our block has become a Camp (including you there are 8 kids under 10 and thats just the crew that lives here), racing bikes, playing catch, miniature daredevils on skateboards. Its a total free-for-all and you love it. There are days when we are super motivated and days that we are lazy and in pajamas until 4. I'd like to think we are striking a good balance. But then I remember I haven't done laundry in about a month and am resorting to pizza at least 3 times a week for lunch or dinner. When school starts, I am sure we will fall into a more rigid routine but for now I am relishing our laziness.

We went to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" last night at TR park. It was a gorgeous night with the wind blowing in from the water. We packed some popcorn, toys, and your camping chair to meet Michael, Jessie, and the gang. You watched maybe 20 minutes of the movie before finding this tiny patch of dirt and throwing your chair in the "mud". Then it was broken and needed to be taken to the repair shop. Once you moved it to the "repair shop", the tools were lost in the big truck that was parked off to the side. Then you had to ask each one of us for a wrench before declaring it fixed then throwing it back in the mud; starting the process all over again. You talked and talked and talked. Sometimes to Michael and sometimes to no one in particular. You just talked to hear yourself talk. You do this all the time now. You play out this big stories and rub your hands together when you get excited. I think there is so much going on in your head that it has to manifest itself somewhere else, usually wringing your hand and sometimes sound effects. Sometimes you like for me to play, "Vroom this truck, Mom." And other times your content to let me just sit and watch.

We trucked it down to Jen's to play in her pool on one beautiful day. You LOVE the water so I thought you would have a blast laying around in the pool all day. We also made a stop at Toys R Us. I figured if buying you a new toy would allow me some much needed girl time with Jen, it would be worth it. You found this
Lego Duplo Truck 
thing that you promptly fell in love with and are now OBSESSED. Like must know where the crane is at all times obsessed. You went into the pool for about 5 minutes before asking to get out so you could play with your new truck. We were at Jen's house for a good 6 hours and you played with your new Lego's for the entire time. I am pretty positive that Santa is going to bring you a lot of Lego's for Christmas. I was hoping to hold off on the more expensive Lego adventure but it seems like you have hit that stage early. Not surprising.

You also had your first adventure in "sail boating" this month. Eric had invited us and finally the stars aligned that we were all free on Saturday. I couldn't pass it up. I was mildly nervous about you falling in the water so I made you wear your life jacket the entire time. It took you a little time to get your sea legs and once you did, you really loved it. I kept on trying to get you interested in watching the sails, or manning the tiller with Eric, or watching the water and other boats go by. But you were more concerned that the flashlights worked in the cabin. Or eating all the M&M's that I packed. When we got home Gammy said she thought you have done more in your 2 years then some have done in their lives. It just might be true.
You have been having a little separation anxiety lately. I'm not sure if it's even separation anxiety. It might just be a terrible two moment. I'm not sure. But you hate to see me leave. Normally, I could give you a kiss goodbye. "Where you going, Mom?" "I'm going to work, Bud. I'll be back when you wake up from your nap." And you were fine with that. Now, when you see me getting ready you start tailing me. If I put on my shoes, its 20 questions. I was leaving for work last Sunday and you starting cry so hard you gave yourself a bloody nose. I caved. I brought you with me. I know it sets a bad precedent, you are going to think that if you cry enough I'll bring you. I just couldn't stand it and I have a job that is OK with me bringing you. Mrs. Spink, the woman who runs the church nursery, was thrilled. You were perfectly well-behaved once we got there and was my little helper. It was weird and out of character. I am sure its just a phase. And I'm just a little bit...well....um....content about it all. Its hard to admit. But as hard as it is for me to see you cry, it is kinda nice to see how attached you are to me. Some reciprocity for how attached I am to you. It makes me think that you hate leaving me as much as I hate leaving you.
I love you everyday,
Mom - this is a new development. "Mom" I was always your "Momma" in that cute little baby voice and now, when you want something, you yell "Mom!" You sit in your car seat just yelling "Mom" over and over because you know I can't get to you. You think its funny. I like "Momma" better.
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