I was trying to wrangle Wyatt into his chair for dinner and he was just not cooperating. Finally, I gave him his ultimatum. He had until I counted to 3 before I would pick him up and put him in his chair. His response "I'm gonna get mad at you real quick" put me in hysterics.

I brought Wyatt to work with me. I told him that he needed to be my big helper and work really hard with me. Wyatt was fabulously well-behaved, even for him. When we were leaving for the day I kept on reminding him how fabulous he had been. Without missing a beat, "I was really good at Momma's work. Can we go to the toy store next?"
Rebecca is notorious for asking Wyatt for kisses whenever she is home. When he exhausts one answer he moves on to the next. "Sorry closed for business." Or "its too early for kisses and hugs, Auntie B"
We are down at the beach. Wyatt has been throwing toys out into the water then wading out to get them. He gave one truck a pretty forceful throw. He stopped when the water reached his waist knowing that was his limit unassisted. He called to me. I went out to fetch the truck. As I am chasing the truck caught in the current I hear Wyatt shouting, "I'm freaking out! I'm freaking out!" I wonder where he learned that from?

Wyatt and I are looking in the freezer for a evening snack.
"I want a chocolate brownie."
"We don't have chocolate brownies"
"Chocolate Brownie!!"
"Bud, I don't know what you're talking about. We don't have chocolate brownies."
"Lemme see. Lemme see. Chocolate brownies. Yes, siree."
Once I convinced him we didn't have any chocolate brownies, he settled for a creamsickle.
Pa has been trying to teach Wyatt "1,2 Buckle my Shoe." I have to admit, it is helping with his counting but rhyming is not his strong suit.
Pa goes "1, 2 buckle my...."
"3, 4 shut the..."
"5, 6 pick up..."
Every night after we turn off the light we play this I Love You game. I say something like "I love you more then the stars love the sky."
And he usually responds with "I love you like a wee-oh wee-oh truck."
"I love you more then a shark loves his teeth."
"I love you like an ambull-ance."
"I love you more then a backhoe loves his tires."
"I love you like a gookah." A gookah is Wyatt's favorite made up word. A gookah can be just about anything and I think he uses it when he forgets a more appropriate word. Last night he told me he love me like a Mom-mom. I told him I think that is a lot. And he told me "So many people love me."
Yes, Wy, so many people do love you. Very much.