Wyatt loves being naked. He has naked time for at least an hour after every bath. I think this is entirely acceptable. I want him to be comfortable with himself. I want him to know that his body is a work of art and nothing to be ashamed about or feel obligated to cover up. Obviously, there is a time and place to his nakedness but I am sure he will learn this with age. We were naked a lot as kids and I don't think it did us much harm. The best part is when he was at the doctor today and while the doctor was examining his neither regions Wyatt proclaimed "The doctor is checking out my penis!" Because that is what he calls it. Because he is naked a lot and potty trained and when he's playing with it, I tell it like it is.
I have always been very comfortable with my body. I am not a nudist or anything but I enjoy my naked time just as the next girl. I don't wander around the house naked while other members of my family are home. But I also think it is a safe assumption to say that my entire family has seen my butt and while breast feeding, I would have to say my boobs as well. I try my best not to be naked in front of Wyatt but its inevitable. Every once and a while he will see me getting dressed or getting into the shower or going to get something out of the laundry. But he doesn't even blink an eye. Doesn't seem to even notice. I guess he accepts my nakedness just as his own.
So, while we were camping, I had to take Wyatt into the shower with me. This has happened a few times before but I try not to make it a habit. I don't really think its a big deal. He was doing great and then mid-shower he politely asks "Momma, where is your penis?" I diverted the question which I don't normally do. He caught me off guard and tried not to be utterly shocked. It got me thinking how old is too old for him to see me naked? I thought around 5 but now I am second guessing myself. I don't want to be like the family I mentioned above but I also don't want to rule out nudity all together. I think that nudity at home, when handled in a respectful, matter of fact way, is perfectly normal. I want him to be comfortable being naked and knowing that I am comfortable being naked will enforce that. But when do the uncomfortable questions start? Or do I just tell it like it is? How long can I ignore his questions?
1 comment:
Argh, people can be so prude. What's wrong with him seeing you naked or asking questions? He's just curious.
And like it or not, kids are not asexual, they do masturbate. They need to be taught boundaries and self control but not that nudity and sex is shameful.
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