The tree after Santa came. Quite impressive if I do say so myself. On the chair are the milk and cookies that Wyatt left out for Santa. He also left carrots for the reindeer. With hummus on the carrots because "the reindeer love hummus too!"
The six stockings on the banister our stockings. The stockings lining the stairs are for my mom's extended family that come over on Christmas Day. The family is growing so fast we are running out of stairs!
We always get Christmas Eve pajamas in our house. Since Wyatt was born, I have been buying them for my parents too. This year when we went shopping, Wyatt picked out these lovely Grinch pajamas for Pa and then insisted that Gammy have them as well.
Getting his first look at the tree. I woke him up (a little) asking "Let's go see if Santa came" because I was so congested Wyatt responded with "Cave?! Why would he bring a cave?" He walked right over to the tree, picked up the first gift and asked if he could open it. I told him we had to wake up Aunt Lizzy and Auntie B. He threw the present back under the tree and ran upstairs to wake up the girls.
The first present Wyatt opened. He got a ton of Lego's which he hasn't stopped playing with. I think the Lego's are his favorite toy. However, when we were opening stockings, the absolute last of the gifts, Wyatt opened a tiny matchbox car and exclaimed "this is just what I always wanted!"
The running joke is Lizzy, at 19, gets a Nancy Drew computer game every year. And she always plays it on winter break usually cheating, might I add. This year I got her an accompanying WWNDD (What Would Nancy Drew Do!) shirt. Hysterical.
Wyatt had to play with each toy he opened before moving on the the next toy. I don't think he understood the extent of the presents because when we were onto the second party of the day he looked at me and asked "Are we going to get more presents?!?" Like he couldn't understand that there could be more to open.
Lizzy being her ridiculous self. Wyatt picked out those socks especially for Aunt Lizzy. It was very important to him that she got them. He thought she would "Love these beautiful dogs!"
Just a typical cousin pile up at my Aunt Carolyn's Christmas brunch.
The morning after customary Clue game. I got Rebecca (although she picked it out herself) The Office Clue. Naturally, I won.
The next morning Wyatt touched my nose with his index finger saying "Hey you. Hey you. Look at the windows! Its morning. Its Christmas!" I had to explain that I thought Christmas was over and Wy was adamant that it wasn't. Yes, I love Christmas too. But I also love the following days of laying around and playing with toys. Of course the snow totally helped us being land locked, playing with Legos and trains, in our pajamas all day.
Lizzy got Dad Decision Points
. He began to read it and then fell right asleep. Wyatt and Auntie B thought a silent Silly String attack was in order. Dad never woke up. He stayed like that for a good 2 hours. Thats what shoveling 2 feet of snow and GWB will do to you.
1 comment:
We Are Blessed, so very blessed!
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