I am terribly late with your letter this month. I have no good excuse really. You have been phasing out naps. You would think that this would open up a whole new world of late night possibilities. However, it has kind of blown up in my face because you still don't really go to bed early. If you take a nap, its from 1:45-3:45 and then bedtime ranges from 9-10:30. You really have thought of something manically brilliant to keep your bedtime inching further and further into mom's play time. Right after we get all cozy, our 4 books finished and have begun talking about the day you suddenly declare that you have to go poo-poos! So, yes, of course lets go poo-poos. I can't deny you that, no matter what the time. So, we truck to the bathroom and then we read more books. And you MILK IT. "But mom!?! I'm taking my time." Of COURSE YOU ARE!!! It's only midnight, NO BIGGIE! If I ask you before we go to bed you conveniently don't have to go. The clincher is you ALWAYS poop. You're an opportunistic pooper. So, then I think, 'HA I will take away nap time and then surely you will pass out around 8!' Think again, Mom! You usually hit a really rough patch around 5:30 but then get a second wind and are up until 8:30-9. So, now I have no free time to do anything. Ohhh plus I got the flu. Thats a good excuse, right? The FLU. Who gets the flu? People who are too busy to be inconvenienced by the shot. So, I got the flu and then freaked out that you were going to get the flu and got both of us on tamaflu. Which, cross my fingers, you don't seem to be sick at all. I'm still struggling. I know after writing this everyone is going to tell me to just put you to bed at 6 when you get tired but, you know what, I do not function before 7. Literally, it WILL NOT go well for anyone if I have to get up that early. There will be a light at the end of this tunnel, I'm just not sure when...

I always get a little sentimental around this time of year. I blame it on all the down time after the crazy holiday rush. I have decided that this year is going to be the year of before. Let me explain. Right before I found out about you, I spent a year in South Carolina. Pretty much, by myself, meeting a ton of new people. However, if I had known it was my last year of my ridiculous parting, or whimsically accepting party invitations, or causally sipping on tea by the water, and being completely untethered to anything (home, career, relationships, etc) I probably would have done more. If I had known that my life was about to change as drastically as it did, I would have enjoyed it all more. Relished in my laziness. Checked off some of my long standing organization tasks. Maybe have gone out a little more by myself rather then sit and watch TV. Taken some of my homeowners out to dinner. Just lived my life a little fuller knowing that everything might be changing soon. So, I have decided to start living my life, our life, as if this time might be fleeting. Maybe in the next year I'll get a new job and I won't get to spend as much time with you. Or a new love that will make us a threesome. Or a new home that will make life a little more stressful. This is going to be the year of no regrets. I am going to plan day trips into Brooklyn, sign up for your swim lessons, take that trip to LA, just live better, a little fuller. Live our life like maybe some big change is right around the corner, because maybe it is. And maybe I will look back on this time as the time before and wish I had a little more of it.
I love you every minute of every day,
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