That month FLEW by! I seriously don't know what happened. I'm all amped up on spring coming. Every spare second I have been trying to get us outside. You got this fabulous new scooter for your birthday from William, Em, and Chris. You are in love but not very skilled. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the bench, a usually 2 minute walk. But you insisted on bringing the scooter. You are not very confidant, refusing to but both feet on, and refusing to allow me to pull you. Maybe mastering the scooter will prepare you for bike riding. (OMG.....I am so excited!!!)

Your birthday party was a great success. However, the prolonged partying (you had your actual birthday, then a party at Dads, then at school, then a party at home 2 weeks later) got you thinking that everyday was your birthday. Every morning, for a few weeks, you would insist that today was your birthday. There was no talking you out of it. You started demanding a different cake each day. Meanwhile, planning on a fireman theme party for weeks, I had bought a tons of fire truck themed plates, decorations, etc, etc. So then you wanted a dump truck cake, then a cherry picker cake, then back to a fire truck cake, then a tow truck. It gave me anxiety. Finally, I convinced you that a fire truck cake was the best and you even helped place the gum drop lights. I was (Hell, I still am) seriously proud of this cake. (What you can't see is after being out of the fridge for a few hours, it started melting. Literally half of the cab fell off right before blowing out candles. Oi) You are already asking for a cherry picker party for next year. I think I might need a practice round for that cake.

I hate to say it but you have been exercising your terrible two's on me lately. I thought we were out of this phase but it turns out you are still testing your limits. I have to admit. I am a sucker. I am a sucker for your "big tears." And for your "please, please" in ascending octaves. And you have learned to capitalize on my inability to say no. I was so proud that we made it though the twos without having to drag you out of a store, kicking and screaming. Then, twice in the past month, I've had to haul you, over my shoulder, having a tantrum to the car. However, I'm not sure if it was because I was ACTUALLY saying no which I haven't done with regularity before or if you were having an Honest to God Tantrum. I'm just worried that if I can't get you to respect my "no" now what happens at 6 or 13. And, my love, honestly, we do not need another toy in this house. Enough is enough. We are drowning in toys.

You have these two great friends at school, Chase and Peter. You talk about them constantly. When we get home you ask if I can call Chase's mom to go play at his house. Or you will walk into the den with your coat and declare that you are going to Peter's house. It really is the cutest thing. The other day we got the 3 of you together (plus momma's), got pizza and went to the playground. You loved every minute. Running after your friends, exploring together, laughing and being silly. The best part is, I really like the other mom's. They're cool and really on my parenting level. I wasn't sure I was going to meet people like me at St. John's. And I am hoping that these are friends you might spend a lifetime with.
Wyatt, I absolutely adore you. Even when you're having a tantrum. Even when you are saying no repeatedly. Even when you are running in the opposite direction. Even when I am not feeling very patient and you are pushing my last button. You still manage to amaze me everyday. Still manage to take my breath away with your clever sayings. And beyond all expectation still manage to be the most wonderful and fulfilling part of my life.
I love you everyday,