I think Colorado is a pretty good reason for combining two months of letters. Although, I'll admit I am feeling rather guilty about it. I have been so diligent and things have seemed to fall a little apart lately. This whole no nap thing is working out really well. However, by the time I get you to bed at 8, I usually just want to sit, watch TV, and be lazy. And funny enough, it is hard to remember all that we have done in two months. My memory is going. I am seeing the genius of post-it notes all over again.
Can you see the film crew? |
We finally got around to having your 3-year-old well visit. I kept on making appointments and you would be sick. And (who knew) you can't combine well visits and sick visits. You are 35lbs and 3'4" tall. Still clocking in the 95th percentile for height. 75th for weight. I had been worried about your eating habits which are picky, at best. I can't remember the last time you willingly ate a vegetable. You are living off of cream cheese and baked clams lately (not together, Thank God.). I'll give you breadsticks with cream cheese and find you digging your finger in the cream cheese like its frosting. But it seems like you are doing just fine. What I am really worried about is that damn binky. I have been trying to get you to loose it for months now. When you made your room switch, I laid off for a while. (Which is still going FABULOUSLY!!!) My new rule is your binky belongs in your bed. But then sometimes you'll get mad and storm off upstairs and get it. I'll find you playing contently, on the floor of your room, with the damn binky. I even tried the binky fairy. But you told me that she is not going to take your binky's away because thats not nice because their yours. Clearly. I know you will stop eventually and I have to be patient but a 3 year old with a binky habit is just not ok with me.
I had a huge scare with you the other day. I was on our street chatting with another mom while you ran around with all the kids. Typically nice weather behavior. You have run up and down without my assistance a million times. The kids range from 2 to 10 years old and kind of take care of each other. Anyway, I watched you walk down the side street with Gianna and turn out of my sightline. I assumed that you were headed into their backyard. 5 minutes later, Gianna returns. Without You. "Where's Wyatt?" I asked. Gianna shrugged. I start running down the street with Liam, 5, and Athena, 7, calling your name. We head down the side street all the way to its end at the beach. No you. Visions of you running on the road, floating on the water are rushing through my head. Athena went one way, Liam and I the other. We found you around the corner, playing in the sand. "I wanted to go to the beach." you told me as I reprimanded you for leaving without me. I was hyperventilating and dragging you back home. Once I sat down and assessed the situation, I realized I had probably never told you Not to go down the beach by yourself. I have always been by your side. You are becoming more independent, which is good. But it has happened again, which is not. I found you on the front porch. "Getting something." Mini-Houdini. I am considering investing in a leash.
Dad and I took you to the park to try out your new bike. Sadly, I think you might have inherited my abysmal coordination skills. You really love riding but can't seem to steer and pedal at the same time. Either you are focused on steering and your feet don't move or your feet are going a mile a minute and the bike is in a bush. You will get it with more practice. You also have a tendency to jump off the bike while it is moving claiming that it has "run out of gas" and you need to fill it up. No matter how many times I have tried to explain that YOU are the GAS, you are convinced that your big two wheeler (plus training wheels) needs gas. I really want you to get it because we have been riding in my bike a lot lately and I am not sure you are going to last much longer in that little seat. It will be tons of fun to ride together. Remember, Fancy Nancy
, says 'Less then a mile, bike in style.'
I love you everyday,
Your Momma
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