Hello. Anyone out there. Have I lost all interest since I have taken a big ole' sabbatical. I really wish I could say it was for some really good, fabulous reason. But it's really not. I've just gotten lazy.
Anyway, first topic of business:
Saturday pictures are going to be postponed for a while. Because I went and got my camera (well, Rebecca's really but I was using it...see: worst sister EVER) Stolen. Yes, thats right. The beautiful digital SLR that I love and cherish has been stolen. So, I am stuck with a little point and shoot that is not much fun to use or my camera on my blackberry that takes pretty awful pictures. I really haven't been taking that many pictures as a result of this disaster.
When we were coming home from Colorado I was faced with a dilemma. I had a decent sized pack that I was carrying (with my laptop, toys, books, snacks, markers, essentials) plus our coats and Wyatt and his small backpack with cars to look after while navigating 2 airports. I really wanted to add my camera to that list but with its extra weight and size I thought it would break the camels back and surely I would lose something; probably Wyatt, as I was juggling all our things. I sat in our room, packing, staring at my laptop in one hand and the camera in my other. I decided to keep the laptop with us and stow the camera in our checked bag. I put it into the case, wrapped it in Wyatt's winter jacket, tied the sleeves around the case and buried it in the middle of our suitcase. I also threw my point in shoot camera in the bag as well.
We get to the airport, check our bag, get on our flight. Our bag goes to Newark. We go to JFK. Great. By the time we land in NY, we have been traveling for 8+ hours. Its 11pm. Wyatt has reached his toddler patience level after being AMAZING on the flights. I am ready to be home and fed...cause, did I mention, we almost missed our connection because we were late landing. And missed getting lunch and US Airways evidently doesn't sell dinner. Great. I didn't even really care that our bag didn't show up. I was just happy to be in the home stretch with a potential Diner in our future. When I go to report our missing bag there are about 15 people on line. There was NO WAY it was going to be ok. So, we left. I decided I would deal with the bag tomorrow.
I had to pick the bag up at JFK 2 days later. Since I didn't file a claim immediately they couldn't send it to me. Wyatt was ok with the extra trip cause we made a pit stop at Auntie B's. When I got my bag with the little lock still in place, I just grabbed it and left. It wasn't until I got home that I realized the SLR camera was missing. Everything else in tact. Everything else accounted for. I was livid. I AM Livid. When a lady from US Airways baggage told me that she was sorry for my lost items, I lost it. I was screaming 'You stole my camera. It wasn't lost. It was stolen!' Clearly, they have not owned up to the incident. But believe me. I will get them to give me something. Damn it. I paid $25 in baggage fees for them to steal my camera.
When I told Bec, I asked if she wanted the good news or bad news. The bad news: I lost her camera. The good news: it gives me a damn good excuse to buy a new fancy one with my tax return!
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