Hey You,
Your fire truck picture. |
That's what you say to me all the time. "Hey you. Hey you, can I have a glass of water? Hey you, can we go ride bikes with the kids? Hey you, look at my garbage truck that dumped his garbage all over the road. Smash! And then the police are coming to give him a ticket for 40 dollars. Here comes the dump truck to help clean it up. That's a good idea?" I think it is easier for you to say the generalized Hey You and have it apply to every person in the house rather then fill your brain with trivial name calling details. You have too many other things going on to remember everyone's names and apply them accordingly. There are endless combinations of Legos and trucks to play with. Duh.

I am not quite sure how this happened but for the past few months you have been obsessed with "the olden days". I am pretty sure it had something to do with Gammy. You are constantly asking "Did they have TV's in the olden days? They had to use leaves for toilet paper in the olden days, did you know that? Look, There's an olden day car!" You are a million and one questions. So, finally, Gammy and I decided to bring you to this Restoration Village. We used to take class field trips there when I was a kid. I remember it being really cool. You could watch the blacksmith make chain links, buy penny candy at the general store, take in a lesson at the one room school house. Maybe we went on an off day, maybe they have cut a lot of funding, maybe I only remembered the best parts. Anyway, it was kind of boring. It was pretty much lots of old houses that Gammy and I had to make up stories about to keep you interested. I think your favorite part was the out-house. You can just not possibly fathom people doing pee-pees in a hole in the ground. Needless to say, you only really ask about the olden days now when it pertains to toilets.

Two things happened at a party at Drew's brothers house. I am not sure which is of more importance. Drew has 2 nephews and a niece so I knew you were going to have a blast. You usually play with PJ, the 2 year-old, but this time you gravitated more towards Katie, the 5 year old. You and her were inseparable. Katie went to find a toy in her room and you followed. I stayed outside enjoying the company. About 5 minutes past, 10 tops, and you still hadn't returned. When I went inside, I found Katie's bedroom door closed. Hum. On opening the door, I found Katie on the bed and you standing on the floor, both of you with NO pants on (underwear on, Thank God!). "What are you doing?" I asked. "Playing doctor." You answered, quite matter of factly. "Ok, pants and shoes on. Lets go outside." I am positive that it was innocent but isn't 3 and 5 a little early for Dr. games?!? I watched you a little more closely for the rest of the evening. Drew found it amusing (Thank God!). And I found it even more amusing when Drew found your hat on Katie's bed post. You are learning fast, my son. The second thing, was you took your first solo ride on a dirt bike. Drew's brother has this little one the he messed with so it only goes 4mph plus its actually has training wheels on it. I'm less concerned that you rode one. You loved it; Drew never let go, you wore a helmet, and only on the grass. Its more about it is it the gateway drug of you getting on bigger and faster things. They also had this
Power Wheels Motorcycle
thing that you LOVED. You rode that bike for hours (some of the time with Katie on the back.) I just wish we had a garage to put it in!
You also had your first official sleep over at Dad's. I don't really have much to say about this, other then it happened and I had a panic attack. It went well. You stayed there the entire night which I was not sure that was going to happen since you still wake up and call for me about once a night. When you got home you ran into my arms and gave me a "ginormous" hug. You are just growing up so fast. How you got to be this little boy is beyond all comprehension.
I love you everyday,
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